Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Trumpophiles of Civil War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has a few questions for Trump supporters who seem to have forgotten that he did not produce on MAGA, he invited Americans to a WILD DC rally, where he abandoned them to be hunted down. which began with the murder of Ashli Babbitt.

Trump Supporter to MSNBC: 'I See A Civil War Coming. I Do.'   mediaite 

She then went for it.

“So we’re just sick of it, you know, and we’re not gonna take it anymore,” she declared. “I see a civil war coming. I do. I see civil war coming.”

The clip ended and Grumbach continued.

“A civil war coming. That’s what she said, and that’s the sentiment that we’re hearing from a number of people on the ground here today at Trump’s rally,” he said.

So these Trump supporters in Iowa, are sick of "it", and they are not going to take it anymore.

The question is what are Trump supporters sick of, and what is "it' they are not going to take anymore?

Just off the top of my head, Trump supporters have taken:

Being hunted down by the FBI.

Being tortured and broken in being framed by the FBI in a DIA operation.

Being led around by the GOP who left Jan6ers to branded domestic terrorists.

Being forced vaxed.

Being fired for not taking the vax.

Allowing the invasion of millions of border busters to replace them.

Being suckered by governors, DeSantis, Abbottt and Noem.

I could get more detailed, but this is just a fraction of what Trump supporters have taken, so what is the "it' they will not take as they are sick of something.

No wonder the FBI trolls on comment pages are pissing on them and goading them to act out.

She loves Ted Cruz, who fled Texas when the power went out.

Conservatism really is a mental illness.

    I do hear the civil war mantra often enough from people on the right, but none of them have any idea what a civil war is, no more than the supporters of Abraham Lincoln did in 1861 or the deomcratic supporters of states rights did in 1861.

    The Lame Cherry has five questions for these civil war advocates.

    1. As this is war and war is about destroying things and killing the enemy, just who is it that you are going to be killing and what are you going to be destroying? Do you know how to set up an ambush or even know how to demolish anything?

    2. Your civil war advocacy is facing a well armed police and military state, which you paid for, which cleverly let you keep 9 mm pistols and 223 rifles which are short range weapons ineffective against body armor, so you get killed and the state wins. What are you bringing to this war then?

    3. What is your strategy for drones which will expose your psoition, follow you and Hellfire missile you to death?

    4. What are you going to do when like Nelson Miles, the military follows you to your homes and wipes out your villages as with the Siouix and Cheyenne terrorists or like with John Dilliger, the Branch Davidians, LaVoy Finnicum, in the FBI murders you without a trial?

    5. What is your operation once you figure out you have been set up again to start a war you will not win, just as on Jan6 and your Q Peters media and frauds in Congress are all manipulating you in a psychological operation that you were not intelligent enough to figure you?

    How are any of you going to deal with a well trained military, a well equipped police state, where their courts already deem you a domestic terrorist ad the DIA has been implementing this operation all along.

    You Trumpophiles have had the thought of civil war put into your thought processes and you have no idea you have been put into a losing position by design by those who have this plotted out a dozen moves further than you could ever conceive.

    The last thing you want is a civil war, and the proof is you have not even considered the logistics, supply, tactics, operation and strategy to defeat what you face, which knows you better than you do from cyber programs and has paid operatives reporting on you, because Donald Trump collected all of your names for sale by Katie Walsh, and that list is in the NSA being cross referenced.

    Donald Trump told you to go get the vax. The vax is a transhuman evolutionary weapon.

    Trumpophiles are the illusion for the fake elections of 2022 AD and 2024 AD. That is their purpose as the GOP has been split into a socialist and feudalist movement, just as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated the 1% would accomplish.

    Nuff Said
