As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This post is in tribute to all the rich people out there as instead of doing the Lord's work, they have delegated their responsibility to the Tard Brothers.
I have mentioned them previously here, but today they threw away a brand new Coleman cooler, which we needed as things get too hot in the pickup running errands as our ac has been non working from day one on the GMC.
You can tell allot by the trash people have, except if it is the Tard Brothers. JYG tells hilarious stories on them, but the damn thing is, they are just true, but they make no sense at all.
Like this cooler. Brand new, has labels on it yet, but JYG was really interested to see what kind of archaeological gold mine they left him in the junk yard as he knows them like the FBI knows Jan6ers.
They apparently pick up little bits of metal. I have no idea why, but they do. They also throw away things like brushes and bungy cords. None of it makes any sense, but to the Tard Brothers.
I have mentioned JYG told me that he was out to their place, and they have two junk piles. One they will not let him touch as that is where they hide their money. The other is the pile for trash.........unless of course they are driving 50 miles to throw things away at JYG's.
So they had battery powered Christmas lights. It is like where do you find this stuff but they have it, it is new, but it gets thrown away.
There was also deodorant which sometimes they can not find from their scent and other things, but the oddest thing was a quart jar of Prego pasta sauce. JYG says the big one eats that like a bee to honey. No warming it up, he just gets him a quart jar and eats it, and that is all he eats. Does a fine job too as the jar was quite clean.
The Tard Brothers are good people. Absolutely harmless, and I would take their low IQ to Mexicans any day as the Mexican is a devious vermin like a rat. White tards tend to not be devious. Sure sometimes they murder people, like the tard who got a diploma from my school, but he was not a real tard, but a tard who got that way from falling out of the barn on his head. World would have been done a favor if that one got hit a little harder when he hit the ground, just like the world would be better without so many tard Mexicans. The world is ok though with white tards in the Tard Brothers though as who else is God going to hold up on Judgment Day but Tards to shame all the rich people in being outperformed by tards.
We got quite the archaeological find in the Tard Brothers. I will think of all of the rich people every time I load that cooler up with cold things, because it will be hot where they are going.
Nuff Said