As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm still trying to understand the death of my brother.
I specifically asked his children if he had taken the vax and they said he had not. Yet from their first explanations of his symptoms which were a non associative mix of illnesses and diseases, each time I looked up the disease or illness, it comes linked to Covid.
The latest bit of information came from his co workers who stated he looked ashen while at work.
Trouble breathing; Persistent pain or pressure in the chest; New confusion; Inability to wake or stay awake; Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips ...
I realize that a corpse is not a sun tanned Tarzan, but my brother looked extremely pale, even if the mortician does what I have always thought one of the worst embalming on the planet.
I have listed other manifestations from what started this in low sodium levels. Again this comes up as COVID.
He had melanoma, it was cut out, including lymph nodes, and he was treated with bug juice, and seeme to be doing well as he went back for his 3 month check up. His return to work, he felt ill, and decided to take time off from work. His son could not reach him a few days later and found him unresponsive, but able to get him into a vehicle for the emergency ward.
He was treated for low sodium, and began recovering, but was weak.
I noted he had a massive bruise on his arm, probably fell on it in his home. It was widespread, which would indicate a great deal of vessel rupture. Again this is what is known as part of the vax.
His test would later prove at his collapse a second time, after 2 strokes and a mild heart attack, again numerous oddities in strokes and heart attacks do not appear at the same time, but the cancer has spread to his entire body in a most aggressive manner.
In a normal, healthy person, the NHEJ mechanism repairs the DNA and prevents a pathogenic mutation from occurring. But in the presence of the vaccine spike protein, NHEJ effectiveness is suppressed by as much as 90%, meaning it is unable to do its job due to the suppressed ability to recruit proteins for repair.
As a result, the following “errors” are introduced into chromosomes inside the nuclei of human cells, all due to the presence of the spike protein from mRNA vaccines:
- Mutations or “errors” in the genetic sequence.
- DELETIONS of entire segments of genetic code.
- INSERTIONS of incorrect segments.
- Mixing and matching / permutations of genetic code.
These errors, when expressed through cell division and replication, result in:
- An explosion of cancer and cancer tumors throughout the body
- Loss of production of immune system B and T cells (i.e. induced immunodeficiency)
- Autoimmune disorders
- Accelerated aging and reduced telomere length
- Loss of functioning of complex organ systems such as circulatory, neurological, endocrine, muskuloskeletal, etc.
- Cellular damage resembling radiation poisoning as cells destroy themselves from within
The vax inhibits cancer inhibitors so cancer seems to spread unabated. Somewhere in this he was having fluid on his lungs, the doctors thought the cancer had eaten a hole in his lower lung. He also was running at the end a 104 fever, which is a viral infection.
The only logical conclusion in this is, someone in the hospital for his surgery administered the vax to him as this guy fell apart like his wheels came off. Yes aggressive cancers can kill quickly as with my Beloved Uncle, but he was not having heart attacks, strokes, low sodium levels and a high fever. All of this spike protein and synthetic prion have the most dual symptoms which do not match typical viruses, like you do not get a chest cold flu with a diarrhea, they are either respiratory or intestinal so people do not die as that kills the virus.
Could my brother have lied and hidden what was done? Yes. Could the medical people have injected him and not informed him? Yes. If it is not these easy answers, then this becomes more complex, and the complexity is, can shedding from the vax actually affect people as if they have been injected with this mRNA serum? That is what is the troubling aspect of this, as something killed my brother and every problem he had all linked back to what other people have suffered from or died from, in symptoms of this Covid vax.
Everything about this says Covid. Yet I was told that no injection was administered.
Lastly, he was bruised easy and massively, that is radiation poisoning, and while he had chemo months before, he was not current, again this is Covid.
Lastly part two, his co workers all stated that when he took chemo his attitude became positive. I have never heard of someone enjoying chemo. Personality changes though do take place, and that is a direct result of the synthetic prion.
I simply do not know. I believe the evidence shows the vax as it all matches. So therefore the conclusion is, this was the prion in the vax which was injected into him.
Nuff Said