As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm composing this on November 3rd as it occurred to me I caught something I caught from the good graces of my keepers in December 2019 AD in the year of our Lord. This was the protective virus from what the Chicoms were going to release to devastate the West. This pre emptive release of an original inoculation strain, if you recall is what had people saying "I had that damned bat virus before it was supposed to have been in America". Of course we were all ridiculed and the story faded away in the hysteria of Anthony Fauci threatening children with Santa Claus.
The reality is that I have had some bad influenza, swine flu from 1917 in fact which was beyond terrible. It felt like someone had poured boiling water up my sinuses among all the other lung problems people with lung scarring have.
I have puked so much I almost stayed in bed and shit myself as I had no strength to get out of bed. God got my ass out of bed to puke in the toilet and I'm thankful. I also have puked so much that I shit myself. I give the graphics to inform you that I have had some nasty flu and I get quite sick.
TL and I had a Christmas flu in the metro which was a kind of swine flu. That was the worst that TL ever had. The 1917 was my worst, but I think the 2019 was the worst. I gauge that by the fact that I had if you read the archives, about everything you could get with being sick. I also had lung hurt so bad that I thought I was getting pneumonia.
This lasted about 11 days of discomfort in everything.
Now I have to say that what the keepers hosed us down with to protect us from those who were using the bioweapon to kill us, in entering our home, hosing it down, making the cat sick and berserk twice as once was not enough, was a bit more intimidating as I got laid up for several weeks in recovery from the lung shit and then the shits in September of that year. I was sicker with the Wuhan protector strain, but my discomfort was worse with the 2019 flu.
This thing hits hard and fast. It starts under your flipper in the back of your throat. Just sore at first for a day and then it gets active. What I'm trying to warn you of is 2019 IS BACK. Yes there is that Vax Flu of laryngitis is out there that gets in the bronchial and hangs on but that is not 2019.
OK, I have immunity and I recaught this 2019, meaning this thing mutated or someone has released a variant strain.
This one has moved faster. I will give my symptoms having immunity.
Sore under my flipper on the left side. I woke up feeling great. Took a walk and the soreness appeared. I had wood to cut, so I worked for 3 hours cutting wood and sweating in 40 degree weather. Sore in both sides under my flipper by night. Had chills.
I noticed that afternoon my lungs or I should say my heart hurt. I was wondering if shed prions were clotting me. It got worse last night in bed, but by morning it was gone. Replaced by this moved to my right nostril, into my right sinus and that sharp stabbing pain into my brain.
As I have to work spent the afternoon outside painting in 50 degree weather.
By night, snot under my flipper ,but feeling better.
Some bronchial tickle.
I'm hoping that my immunity from having this in 2019 is going to cycle this out of my system as it appears. I will know more by morning.
I'm doing Vitamin C and gargling.
TL was not affected before as TL had that TB injection for going overseas. Was not completely clear but had mild symptoms as with the bioweapon.
This virus is out there and I would suggest that you take the same precautions as you have for the bioweapon. If you have normal health, I do not see this as being life threatening. It will just be a rough ass fly which will probably herd the timid into the former hospitals,, now death chambers as they feast you up with the poison Remdesvir and create COVID in you.
I have not inquired what the source of 2019 part 2 is. If it is some new protectorant or if it is just a mutant which has been lurking out there waiting to push the bioweapon into the shadows again. I know the quad flu vax is designed to hype things up to put the scare into people.
OK that is your lifesaving warning. Just remember non donators how many times this blog has saved your ungrateful and ungraceful asses. This 2019 is out here and I suspect this is the gamechanger which you will hear mislabeled.
Nuff Said