Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Shaken Tree


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter matter anti matter.

It is hard not to like Canadian Stefan Verstapen, as he is quite American in all he talks about in prepping and rights. He really is nothing like what Canadians are in being such a people of the pen type race.

Mr. Verstapen though was on Rense on Friday, whatever November 5th it was, and the narratives he was relating gave me pause again, as he was saying that the Chinese mafia and the National Army in 1927 declared war on the communists, and dragged them out into the streets and shot them all.

Verstapen was making a point in the vax is being given and it is now murdering children in mass. The point being as he related another tale of sitting in Ontario by a lake, some wokesters came along and wanted to steal his cigarettes and he told them NO, to which they were going to beat his ass, to which he stated he was thinking how he was going to dispose of this trios bodies as he was going to black belt kill them.

I heart his often enough from Jeff Rense about people protesting or his endorsing the Chinese slaughtering each other, but in the real story, you had a real army and real mafia killing Chicoms. They did a piss poor job as Harry Truman according to Sol Sanders,  turned China over to the communists deliberately. Again a real army and mob..............do you think your US Army is going to be woke pointing guns at the people in power or like they have been doing in pointing guns at you?

Organized groups went massacre, not individuals or Jan6ers who have been hunted own by the organized police state in America. Narratives are wonderful conjecture, but telling people to fight without any backing or organization is those ignorant people's imprisonment or death in mass.

That is why I'm always leery of the people advocating standing up. America had the greatest generation, of World War II, and after Frank Roosevelt had them butchering Japanese and Germans, turning over East Europe to Stalin butchering, they came home and sold out America and the world for the GI Bill bribe.

I have not seen any of these Goddamn uniform wearing saluters do a damn thing for America. I'm so fed up with that bullshit of "thank you for your service". They came back alive. That is no service, they should have died for their country, instead of selling out to the 1%.

The Goddamn woke military is not going to do a damn thing. Homeland and FBI are tools of the 1% hunting down Americans.  The mob operates out of all the liberal shit holes, so they must like communism.

You should by now be getting the point that if the fucking unions are not taking the vax in airlines and the woke airlines are buckling, all that means is this is how the 1% is creating travel restrictions. No planes, and you sit on your ass in your real estate tax gulag. You can't drive as no one can afford gas and cars are gone to the fraud computer chip shortage.

The Lame Cherry studies history.  The reason the Lame Cherry brings that up, is in discussing Stefan Verstapens killing people, there is always the reality of what good did it do for Crazy Horse of the Sioux to cut the heads off some miners in the Black Hills? He killed the people infringing on him, but they kept coming, and the army followed along, so Crazy Horse or Nutty Pony got lucky a few more times in pounding an old horse soldier and then wiping out Custer with General Grant's help, but in the end, he ended up gut stuck with a knife bleeding out on the grass.

So Crazy Horse killed White Americans civilians. It brought the army. So he killed the American army, as it was Washington City and New York stock market which was setting the policy in the east. The Indian had no ability to project power to the east coast, so the power came to the Indian and humanely killed off his food supply, and when the Indian would not submit, the army made war on the Indian in the winter in the Custer Model on the Washita with success.

This blog does not advocate violence, so is attempting to teach you something so those who are saying violence works, to show that it does not work on the big scale when it is small you.

Here is your learning lesson, whether it be in France, Germany, Netherlands or Norway in World  War II. What is the thing that Adolf Hitler knew damaged his cause most of all? Do not try thinking as you are not informed enough. What Hitler ordered "shoot to kill orders" for was sabotage work by allies or the resistance.

I'm not in any way stating to do this, but am educating you, to open your eyes to realities. Say you have Homeland show up at your work and force you to be vaxed or the military sets up checkpoints and hauls you away. Steven Verstapen says to kill Homeland and the Army.
What will be the results of this? Just like Nutty Pony, you will have more Homeland and military appear as you are paying numbers of those armed people to come and shoot you if you resist.

Let us look though at someone like William Casey who was part of the OSS and later Director of CIA in what he did to the Nazi war machine. If your problem is Homeland appearing at your work or the Army at checkpoints, perhaps the solution is to figure out how to get them to not appear in the first place. eh?

America is a big place. The common denominator is vehicle transportation. How many work invasions by Homeland or checkpoints by the military will happen if they are all on foot and have to walk to get to you? How would you stop that projection of force, and yet is would be a crime, but so is murdering people employed by the government.

Would water in the fuel tank cause a vehicle to not start, or perhaps a torch cutting off a wheel, put this projection of power on foot? Yes it would. If you know the history of the Pacific war against Japan, the US military did not target the Japanese Navy. The submarines targeted the merchant fleets. The same thing which American bombers did in Germany in blowing up ball bearing plants. Take the ball bearings away, and the entire tank, plane, truck and whatever stops and Germany can not project power. Japan without fuel was lots of ships as stationary targets.

Now your Grandpappy could have rowed a boat over to Germany and Japan, with his double barrel shotgun, and taken on Private Fritz and Private Tojo, but it would not have stopped the Japanese and German plans for projection of powers to bomb the United States. It takes more than violence and one person with a gun.

The Verstapen model is about killing the front men who are bothering you which has zero chance of success.  Would it not be better to study as the OSS did, in what makes this 1% system operative and focus on what their projection of power is, rather than advocating harming Homeland, FBI or Military in the woke sphere?

Put them on foot and they can not project power. Power is always the focus in finding the most vulnerable points and taking out those operational platforms. In Iraq I, the United States put spyware into the Iraqi' anti aircraft targeting systems, so they fired blindly and wild, which left the air space open to US bombers.

How much more effective is one nerd who figures out how to Edward Snowden wipe out the records of everyone, ground all the drones, interfere with communications, than someone with a bullet to a person in uniform or giving a karate chop to an FBI agent's throat? History has proven that the most effective tactics are not violence, but instead people who ruin quality control, or have the ability to shut systems down. Again, those are criminal acts, and not promoted here, but this is about teaching you realities of what history has proven. The British army did more damage to the enemy in  Africa in talking to whores who were sleeping with the enemy than their military ever did.

The entire Mockingbird is designed to get you thinking about attacking the police state, as it is armed and outguns you, so you will get killed and the 1% views people in uniform as expendable with the vax or with bullets from domestic terrorists. That is key in this, in arming two parties and having them attack each other, so the feudal few are always safe. That is why you never hear of anyone plotting to take out the 1% at their meetings. The Mockingbird does not want people getting the idea with their pitchforks to stop being suckered to running up the steps to the US Capitol who are whores of the 1% and can not do a thing anyway, and instead turning those pitchforks as the French did in their revolution on the entire ruling structure beginning with the elite first.

Your reptile brains are designed for fight or flight based in fear. Reason is removed. When reason prevails then the strategy appears in not being afraid, but how to neutralize that which is in the shadows beyond the puppets like the Department of Justice or Department of Defense. There is no one, and I repeat this, NO ONE AT DOJ OR DOD WHO CAN CHANGE A THING to affect your lives. The Dictator of DC has no control, he can not even control his shit smelling farts in public.

The logical focus based on history is to not get yourself killed. You do this by not engaging in violence. Those who engage in activities to neutralize the projections of powers are already indicted by this system as criminals. Criminals though come in forms of murder in violence or breaking auto parts and computers. Either one will now probably get you in prison for life, but the police state has proven from Gordon Kahl to LaVoy Finnicum that if you show up with guns, you are not going to prison or going to get a trial. Those who disrupt things like Ed Snowden end up in prison or exile as the police state does still recognize the difference.

The Lame Cherry again advocates what it has all along. No violence. Pay your taxes, obey the laws, and give ground. Colonel Charles Lindbergh was correct in America did not belong fighting Germany or Japan, as both would have moderated in time, without all those dead Americans. This overthrow of the world is not going to last as no one is paying attention to it, and have rejected it already. Yes there will be penalties, and the seizing of property, but in the end, the hybrids and the 1% are competing for the human zombie and that division will by satan produce a crack in this gem which will split it and the real duel then begins as chaos spreads and the only order which will prevail is mass death as this expands.

You do not need to fight a system which is a cancer and is eating itself. You just need to get out of the system, "get out of her my People from Babylon" as the system will fall on it's own. Get to the reality of this system falling down, and your staying out of the way, and then you .............gravity makes an apple fall by natural law, without your doing any act of violence in shaking any tree.

Nuff Said

