As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I desire to share the reversals of the Australian PM which David John Oates found, as for those who think we are going back to what was in our delusions of freedom, that life is gone forever.
What is of note here, is this is England, this is America, this is Canada. This is France, this is Germany. This is the Jew state.
The reversals reveal that the 1% is starting a new system which everyone will be subject to. They have the vaxed souls.
The next phase in this will be domestic terror and the police on the streets will experience it.
This is stage theater. Everyone is being lied to to promote this vax age agenda, and it is being shaped to the narrative which will control our lives.
They know this vax is a poison. It is part of the plan an they are going to complete their plan.
Pandemic specific laws - Start off the new hub
Laws based here and the world - Your soul lives in us
The next phase - Police see the terror
Eventual reality of this - The liar I will shape it
It is going to be a great success - We're under pressure but we're following the plan
As health minister - We're sending poison
Nuff Said