Thursday, November 25, 2021

Dream a little Dream


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is not that important, but it is something different.

As an empath I have always had problems in feeling other people. I have people who think about me enter my dreams and confess their fears and faults. What this is about though is something I have never come across in the study of dreams, in I dream other people's dreams and more to the point, I will in dreaming from time to time, realize that, I had this dream before.

I do not mean that I dream the same dreams, but it is like a film I'm in, and I plunge into the midst of a dream and realize, "I was dreaming this weeks or months ago, and I have plugged into it again like watching a movie.

Yes dreams process information, but I watch online videos in writing this blog, and I know I'm dreaming the events of these people's lives sometimes as I have no idea who these people are as I watch the drama unfold.

What is odd in my thinking is I dream, and I'm thinking in the dream. I think things like, "Did I dream this tonight or was this how long ago, and why am I dreaming it again now?" These are always deep dreams, or dreams which are vivid and strong. I rarely remember what they are about as I rarely remember my dreams, but I do remember from time to time that I was dreaming about a dream.

I realize that the thing in my dreams are other' peoples at times so this is not what everyone is familiar with, but I wonder at the dreaming within a dream. I wonder why I have people who are thinking about me enter a dream, and how they are ..........more the coward than their fake bravery and how in dreams some people are able to tell me things they could not in real life because they are afraid.

No dreams within those dreams, just the reality.

As I said nothing earth shattering in this, just my wading through experiences in the dream reality and wondering why like the matrix in plunging into it, that my dreams exhibit the same realities, as my subconscious deals with my life. I think I have enough information to process in my life, without processing other people's minds too.

Nuff Said
