As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Today's lesson in your preparation is you have a lock on your shed, your garage, your house, your car, so of course you put your things you know are valuable like flour, fuel and firearms behind another lock.
This fuel is behind 3 locks. Locks do wonderful things in delaying idiots who will be caught in the delay, as they never bring heavy tools to cut chains and will piss around twisting things and either give up or stay around and be seen.
In the next year + you are going to discover the value of putting yourself behind barriers and locks with your things, to provide you time to calmly deal with situations and not react or over react.
That is your million dollar education for today. You must begin assessing life as a series of barriers to others, not focusing on the barriers which are supplanting your squandered liberty.
Nuff Said