As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry will explain the above evidence in a HAARP weather bomb, which began life in Alaska, drowning and burying that state, and moving to the lower 48, where it's target has been the region which this blog alone has featured in weather modification testing, the area this blog informed all of you is Amerikan Armageddon.
The squall line you see sitting over the Ohio country, was on Wednesday at noon, moving north into Canada. This line was sitting in western Minnesota on the morning of Thursday the 11th. By two o'clock in the afternoon it had moved over 500 miles to the east, while Amerikan Armageddon was being served up for a blizzard.
For the past HAARP years this region has been hit extremely hard. Whether it was DIA testing on containing nuclear fall out from the North, South and Wyoming nuclear missile silos, to destroying the Germanic American food supply in wheat, sugar beets and potatoes, as Mexicans and Muslims do not eat White man food, to this what this blog has alone projected in these weather bombs, is a preparation of destroying the populace to refugee status, for Chinese colonization on the coast and the theater of war on the Northern Great Plains in the Chicom invasion to divide America, based upon a British Columbia and Alaska armored landing.
I would defy any of you to explain why this area consistently gets weather bombed, when historically it is an area that is dry as the Great American Desert, receiving only enough snow in winter to fill the watersheds and enough rain in summer to ripen wheat.
As the Lame Cherry has stated previously, it is hard for Governor Kristi Noem to keep her slave Niggers in the state as they flee for their lives from these weather bombs. It is difficult to explain the weather when it is souped up out on the Great Plains as I experienced it a few times in my youth and there is nothing like it. To make the point, Kansas which is balmy, was so harsh on the English settlers that they fled for their lives. The only races which settled out there were Germans, Scandinavians and Slavics.
This region will experience yearly a dozen land hurricanes or cyclones. Events that shut down New Orleans for years and are spoken of with Katrina awe, are sometimes more than monthly events out there. The wind roars summer and winter, it screams in the trees that are shattered, the rain slaps you with freezing chill, the snow is like being hit with a shotgun blast. Summer scalds you to frying your brain and winter makes you hurt so bad you throw up. As stated it is hard for Kristi Noem to keep her slant eyed, Southern and Beaner Niggers in that state as the weather is terrifying and deadly.
I'm really amused at the coastal rich and Southern peoples who vax refugee to this area as they have already experienced HAARP events that shut down their entire states, but in the Plains, the people just ignore and don't get killed.
TL had a friend that moved to the North Dakota oil fields to get rich. He was from North Carolina and they would not hire him to work on the oil lines as he could not function in the outdoors. Then again he is shiftless so he found his way to working inside as a waiter. Within the year he was back in North Carolina, as the Great Plains had beat him before it even started on him.
You know you have reached that area when you hear the locals utter the phrase, "You know it don't feel to bad". They lie to themselves to keep from going insane.
Frankly, I don't think the Chinese PLA has it in them to win against this area. The woke US military does not either, so maybe that is the point in just clearing out the way for the PLA to hit Chicago and St. Louis where they have pussy weather.
I don't know how many ReVaxNiks will die out in South Dakota, but die they will. The weather will get them and if not that the invasion will. People who just do not have the George and Libby Custer in them should not be venturing out to that region, as it was bad in the pre Christian times, but this Amerikan Armageddon is making it an interesting experience even for the locals.
There is a pattern which has emerged with these weather bombs. The 1% obliterates the area with cold, and then when you displace this much air from the region, the warm air simply comes flowing back in, in a major opposite and equal reaction. See watching HAARP work is more than just seeing the storm. It is knowing what the effects are afterwards for weeks.
If you are prone to looking maps, draw a line from Jamestown North Dakota, and follow the James River south to Huron South Dakota, (the place Senator Glanzer was coof assassinated) and you have the sweep of the James River Valley, the western border of Amerikan Armageddon.
That is it children. Lame Cherry proven right again on matter anti matter. No one else has noticed this area as it is nothingness. The 1% is doing things out there in expending a great deal of energy. There is a reason for it and only the Lame Cherry has the projection for it.
Oh forgot, time for the pretty weather girl.
Nuff Said