Friday, November 12, 2021

Peace in that Valley

As another Lame Cherry exclusive inn matter anti matter.

I was pondering for about three seconds as the song Peace in the Valley came to my mind just now, how all of us, whether brats or children, vaxed or unvaxed, right or left, suffer from the same troubled soul which Elvis Presley did.

Elvis Presley was a very sensitive soul. Most have no idea that this rock n roller who used to put hoses down his pants to make the girls swoon over a large manhood as he gyrated on stage, took a Christian stand once, in demanding to sing Christian songs once he became a star.

His appearance on the Ed Sullivan Program on CBS on Sunday evening, was one such event. No one wanted to let him do it, but he prevailed and put in one of the best performances of his career. I still think his southern blues rendition is the most soulful and moving of any of this song.

Elvis Presley "Peace In The Valley" on The Ed Sullivan Show on January 6, 1957. Subscribe now to never miss an update: ...

We all know the end of Elvis Presley, a man consumed by his empathy in using drugs to shut the pain out and food to cover up the loss, which ended in him dead of an overdose too early in life.

In this vax age, people on the right and left are looking to do good, but there is far too many opportunities to do wrong. We have zero examples of virtue. Donald Trump told us the elections were stolen, now he is braying about the GOP will win big in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. That can never happen with election theft that installed Joe Biden. So is Donald Trump a liar before and a Mockingbird shill now? He can not have it both ways.

Joe Biden, same deal. He put Kamala Harris on the ticket for the Black vote and then tried in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord to get her off the ticket. He and Ms. Harris campaigned against forced vaxing and that is exactly what they are doing.

Everyone is being jerked around, being made to fear, that they have no peace in them as their not peace in this world. We have all been set upon each other and daily we are like a wolf pack on a kill, nipping at each other for shred of sinew we are rationed from a bone.

Christ is the remedy for this, but the world is intent on inflicting on everyone now that it takes a great deal of will to just try and tune the world out. Our backyards are filled with change of invaders while every disaster or threat in far away places is brought to our screens like it is in our backyard.

Maybe today even if you are not a Christian, you could listen to Peace in the Valley, and just hear something serene and beautiful in all the chaos and ugly which surrounds us. I don't think any of you are really ugly or evil who read this blog. You just have a whole lot of dirt from this world making you uncomfortable and no one is pleasant when they need a bath.

It remains to be seen if all of this is going to destroy each of us, the way Elvis Presley and others succumbed to. Money and fame did not solve his problems. It just made it easier to slip slide away. He wanted to do right, but it was not enough, for the peace comes from within him, not the valley.

Nuff Said

