Sunday, November 28, 2021

Systematized Sodom

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Durdan Bros have a great attraction to one Michael Snyder, as do others in this age when only the FBI and DIA paid trolls are brave enough to post in comments or write articles. His latest was a warning of the great violence and mayhem that awaits in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord.

Study the above graph statistics and then read the Snyder comments below as I will be waiting on the other side.

This is yet another example of how core institutions are crumbling all over America, and it is only going to get worse in the years ahead.

As the violence in our streets continues to escalate, what will the streets of our major cities look like in 2022 and beyond?

If you live in or near one of our major cities, you may want to ask yourself that question, because the storm clouds on the horizon are becoming exceedingly clear at this point.

If you look at the stats, you will see that the liberal hell holes which had high crime, are not up that much, even if record murders, rapes and robberies are quite a number. This is about behavioral projections. Even in high crime areas which the 1% profits off of, there is a threshold. When you have reached maximum saturation, nature does not have room for multiple saturations of crime.

You can think of the fine films Kurt Russell and Andrien Barbeau started in like Escape from New York, where even in anarchy there is not complete anarchy. Even murderers, robbers and rapists have limits on who they will attack, in protecting their own sphere.

So instead of the Snyder Meltdown, as we have seen that even in Soros Buffett Obama funded shit holes, not all of Minneapolis, Atlanta, Spokane, Chicago of New York melted down. The rich always protect themselves so there are as in nature spots the forest fire does not burn.

What the Lame Cherry projects is a greater Sodom. For those unfamiliar with the Bible. Sodom existed in a lush plain with Gomorrah and other cities. They were corrupt in Judges were corrupt. They robbed outsiders. They murdered for profit, they were like numbers of modern cities in those in the system got away with crime and others were victims.
If you recall, Holy Angels appeared and the men gathered to rape them. Lot offered up his virgin daughter, which was not accepted. What Sodom was, was a system much like American cities in institutionalized crime and debauchery.

America is becoming areas where police will not enter as Sweden has Muslim zones where Swedes will not enter. That does not mean law enforcement has ceased, nor that crimes has taken control. It simply means the 1% is utilizing this terrorism to castrate the police and terrorize the population into submission.

If this mob started ever to piss on George Soros lawn, they would be cracked down on and dead in minutes. So do not be warped by the Snyder projection as it is not based on real data. Will crime rise, yes, because it is meant to for a purpose, but it is not going to reach mayhem levels, because like the virus it has a threshold limit, before the is cancer begins to lose it's ability to project. and before the random armed citizen begins injecting lead.

Even the original American domestic terrorists in American Indians soon learned that enough people shooting back made things not profitable, unless the regime was setting up George Custer to be assassinated to cover up the regime's crimes in funding the domestic terrorists.

So none of this is going to go into mayhem. Mayhem can not be sustained. Instead it must be what it is now in Sodom organized state sponsored crime. That is the Lame Cherry projection and it will prove correct by God's Grace as it always does.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

