Tuesday, November 16, 2021

GOP Leadership says: FUCK YOU JESUS

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Trump legacy keeps getting more feces scented all the time, as Christian Republicans were informed by GOP Chair Rona Romney the Mormon that the Sodomite GOP outreach was not a change in policy or platform as there was only "one" homosexual recruitment staffer.

In analogies.........

Sorry Christians this is only one abortion, so what is one life.

Sorry Republicans, Eve only ate one apple

Sorry America Joe Biden only stole one election.

Sodomy is an abomination to God as the Bible defines. Christians have been informed their entire Christian, Ronald Reagan party is not their majority to decide. The same disgusting Log Fags that helped Joe Biden steal the past election are now dictating policy to moral Americans

McDaniel's talking points delivered on the call sought to assuage evangelicals by saying the new gay voter project had only one staffer hired while her outreach project for faith voters had three. "We have plans in place to build the largest faith outreach coalition the RNC has ever had," she said.

McDaniel also suggested the gay outreach was simply "replicating" an effort President Trump's 2020 campaign made and that there were no plans to change the party's pro-family plank.

"The RNC hiring this new staffer does not mean we are advocating for ANY policy or RNC platform change on these issues,

You should remember that Webster Griffin Tarpley said that the GOP woul be a 3rd rate party and that is what will take place when the Evangelicals stay home. George HW Bush told Christians to shut up and Bill Clinton took the 1992 election. Evangelicals stayed home with McCainn and Mormon Romney. Obama still had to flip 10 million votes but what Rona Romney's fag party, there will not be any need to steal elections as the GOP is finished.

For the record. the GOP will be the Gay ole Party and that is all. The GOP will champion that dying breed as the new child rape party of legalized pedophilia will dominate the divided democratic party.

The Lame Cherry highly recommends that as Congressional Republicans are all frauds in leaving Jan6ers in the jails as Donald Trump did that you have zero voice in this political reality any more. All has been overthrown the astute decision for the Christian is to leave the GOP as I have. I have take my name off all the lists and told them to stop contacting me.

I'm through with the scent of feces penis in politics. Donald Trump lied about MAGA and Donald Trump abandoned the people who trusted him. Now the GOP has coated the Republican Party with sodomite slime. 

There are zero differences on morality between the GOP and Democratic leadership in being anti Christian.

As God listens to me and Republicans do not. I will invest my time with God and know that God will affect the change in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.

Nuff Said
