Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Alienation in the Nation


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading the latest happenings of the FBI. They are quite criminal and quite illegal, again.

The FBI Raid of Project Veritas Turns Into a Massive Scandal After Privileged Communications Are Leaked

Some Heads Better Roll at the FBI and DOJ After the Project Veritas Document Leak

It seems the 1% in designing all of this fracturing to never trusting the American Department of Justice, in obliterating what former CIA Director and Bill Clinton supporter, William Colby, trust in the system, was supposed to make January 6th and other LaVoy Finnicum events possible, with a fuse like the murder of Ashli Babbitt, to install a fight and a rage in Americans, which hunting them down was supposed to have them cowering behind their doors.

There is something else that RedState writer Scott Hounsell seems to want to say, but does not, and that there is mourning in people like me for the FBI.

I know the propaganda unleashed on J. Edgar Hoover, but for those who do not remember that era or can have empathy with it, when J. Edgar Hoover was Director it was a John Wayne era, it was a time when a man like Director Hoover could be trusted with absolute power, because he never used it against Americans.

The Director might blackmail Congressmen who were fornicating or taking bribes, but it was to keep them in place to keep the system working that Americans trusted in. It was the kind of trust which was put into allot of people. Most men you could trust with that kind of power, like General Chuck Yeager, who never sold out, some like John Glenn the astronaut, he got his freebies and a Senate seat in taking care of himself first, but it was still America was somewhere in that mix in being looked after.

The Bible teaches for Christians to respect those in authority as instruments of God's doing, in God put them there. I think of the Federal Judges in their godlike place. I worshiped US Marshals in being able to count on them. The FBI was above reproach in if the FBI said it, it was them you believed instead of a Preacher in the pulpit. 

I think about that and wonder if the 1% ever factored in the mourning in Americans that it is all gone.

For all the crimes and cover ups the Department of Justice has been involved in, the murder of Randy Weavers wife the burning up of children in Waco the murder of LaVoy Finnicum, the murder of so many at Oklahoma City that our current Attorney General was involved in the cover up which had a paid government asset giving Terry Nichols bomb making parts, it is not that no one was ever prosecuted in the Department of Justice, but the fact that not one Agent ever resigned, not one US Attorney ever resigned, not one Federal Judge did anything but scold Federal Prosecutors in court as so many people have had their lives financially ruined and reputations destroyed as in Hutatree in a government frame up for political reasons.

I just do not understand that.

You get 1000 stray dogs and you end up getting shot and are bleeding, the odds are that at least one is going to come over and try and console you and not lick your blood, but it is something I can not comprehend in not one Federal employee has not quit.

We have heard of CIA murder plots on Julian Assange. Not one person quit. Not one politician or political appointee fired people who even suggested that the United States go onto foreign sovereign soil and murder someone who was not a US citizen.

Maybe it was a mistake in trusting Americans with absolute power, who could not be corrupted, as 50 years later, the employees they evolved, have taken absolute power and judge their employers as the threats, and in that Americans are a threat as Americans have a conscience yet in knowing they do not want a part of this kind of corruption.

So the 1% has succeeded in bringing ruin to America. I doubt it makes any difference in the psychological projections if people have abandoned the government due to fear or mourning, because the alienation has taken place in the nation.

Pondering words such as these only matter if there is a light at the end of this tunnel, but there is not. These words have no meaning to anyone on the other side in the darkness of this gulag of those above the law. They are an epitaph and a defeat of those who believe in something, a weakness which those in power can exploit as they have no such weakness.

The Lame Cherry is not insane in expecting a different result than what has been taking place in America since Ronald Reagan left office. Nothing is going to be done to the FBI or the DOJ.  With not one resignation, the psychological sorting process has created an amoral group who are a cult of their first order is protecting the few and not the many.

So America is a ruling feudal few, unseen, with a finite group of attendants, all protected by a police state, such as are found in London, Moscow Tel Aviv and Peking. The era of a nation by, of and for the People is over. 

The experiment in self government has failed.

That makes me sad for the Department of Justice. I sorrow for the employees in none have any of the ideals of the illusions of Hollywood's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. I mourn for all of them, because I care about all these law officials more than they can care about themselves.

I grieve for the silence which enshrouds the death of a nation.

My country is a place no more
Not brought to end in peace or war
It simply was the People lost trust
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust

Once upon a time she was a guiding light
With stripes and stars glistening bright
But the light became a gloomy cloud
The cloud became a darkened shroud

My country tis of thee a place no more
Not a place of dreams for rich or poor
My country lies deep within a grave
Covered in a veil where God does not save

Oh say can you see, what comes after the end
With nothing left to defend
A nation which now is forever gone
A People no more in which to belong

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
