DO not be sad Round Eye, your money pimp, buy me,
but I steal all money and build war weapons to kill you.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry has told you before that China's economy is a paper tiger, a thing which looks like it exists, but it does not, as it was fueled by western financiers looking to create a bubble to initiate the new world order.
Perhaps you have heard of Evergrande, which is a Chicom Nazi enterprise of a state run construction company. When you hear of the Chinese economy being so immense, well 30% of their gross domestic product is not product at all, but construction schemes. Their current dictator for life is grousing about Chinese can not afford their apartments so they are not filled with paying tenants.
When 30% of your economy is going away, and dictator Xi is initiating just that as he is deflating the real estate market in China, that huge collapse is putting Evergrande's electric vehicle and other investments in jeopardy as no one is buying them.
What Evergrande is now, is an extortion scheme where it can not make it's payments on foreign debt loans, so foreigners are making the payments for them. The reason is, just like Obama's Hawaii stuck all of it's teacher union investments into Chinese markets that collapsed, Australia placed all of it's resources into Evergrande, so the people of Oz have nothing to retire on, and just do not know it yet.
In the war of words between Sidney and Peking, Peking is clobbering the Australian dictators, because you have to understand that China has no money. It all came from outside the country in this scheme. That money is now all disappearing, because this was a massive Ponzi Scheme.
Evergrande took in massive foreign investment, to build shitty Chinese buildings, which then was re invested as money can not leave China, into huge regime projects which were shitty construction too. Evergrande lost 85% value of it's stocks. That leaves only 15% value. That money is all gone for investors and what is left are massive apartment complexes that Xi is making official policy of price controls so Chicoms can buy them. The value of Chicom real estate is going to implode, and unlike the Bush43 scheme of protecting real estate inflation in America in his 2008 collapse of markets for Obama in an end of Anglo American Finance, Peking is a national ghetto, where foreign investors will never get their money out of.
As the United States and Europe posture that they have no direct investment in this scheme to be hurt, that does not mean they do not have indirect investment which is crippling their markets further.
“About a fifth of China’s housing units now lie vacant,” added the Guardian, “often because they are too expensive for the population, 40% of whom earn barely 1,000 yuan (£115) a month. For second and third homes, the vacancy rates are higher still.”
China’s Communist Party Secretary Xi Jinping has taken steps to bring down housing prices under the slogan “Housing is for living, not for speculation” after a 40-year boom in real estate.
Xi says he’s concerned that housing prices are too far out of the reach of ordinary workers.
This means that some companies that are overleveraged with debt, like Evergrande, will probably have to go under to meet the new government goal to make houses affordable.
So far, Xi seems content to let the real estate market in China crash, perhaps in the belief the Communist Party can control its descent.
The issue is not who was buying Evergrande in this Lehman Bush Obama scheme to pick up property in China for pennies, but who owned this company before it had it's Dotcom crash.
Bloomberg released this information, that the above, including the British were the largest investors, or their risk capital of retirement funds were the source of money which is gone in China.
Ashmore Group Plc, a London-based money manager that specializes in buying emerging-market debt, was one of the biggest holders of the company’s bonds with more than $400 million worth, according to data compiled by Bloomberg based on end of June filings. Rules on how funds disclose their holdings vary in different countries.
BlackRock Inc., UBS Group AG and HSBC Holdings Plc were also large owners, many of them held by vehicles that focus on riskier emerging market or Asian credits. The size of the companies’ holdings may have changed since the fund documents were filed. Law firm Kirkland & Ellis and investment bank Moelis & Co. have been hired as advisers by some bondholders.
On the Hook?
Some of the biggest emerging market investors hold Evergrande bonds
Source: Data compiled by Bloomberg
Note: Includes bonds issued by Evergrande and all of its subsidiaries. Ashmore data as of June 30, BlackRock data as of June, July and September across different funds. UBS data as of April, May, June and July across different funds. HSBC data as of April, June and July across different funds. Holdings may have changed since this data was published. Disclosure rules vary globally.
So you can see it was the financial sources which benefit China which have brought down government in the United States.
The Chinese people have not benefited from this housing fraud, no more than Americans have. What benefited was the People's Liberation Army, and that is what US and UK investment built, a nuclear military which the dictators of London, DC and Sidney now are aligned to fight.
The signals are clear from dictator Xi, he is going to be a communist in defaulting on US, UK and Oz loans, as he projects China's military power for war. China has zero money. It has zero oil. It has zero food. All China has is a window it created to project military power in order to seize the Pacific, seize oil and raw materials and seize food.
The economy of the United States will be eaten by inflation. The slave labor of China is not being replaced by Indochinese slaves. That means a crippling subjugation of Americans economically by design. None of this is not connected and Evergrande is the first salvo in this, as Peking unplugs from American market structures for a European Chinese economic tryst.
The fake money coming out of Biden's spending will not cause Evergrande to produce the shockwave that the French and British did in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, but it is what Evergrande means for adjusted Chinese policy and the investors who were in these hedge funds who are not going to see returns on their investments as they thought.
Being a slum lord in China with 27 cents a week rentals is not something that is going to pay a great deal for Americans facing 27% inflation.
The danger signs are that this bottomless pit of China is extorting money from these UK and US hedgefunds so their sheets do not show this massive loss. That is what would tip the scales on the markets in London and New York. As long as this extortion continues, the collapse will not take place. These nation rapist hedgefund accounts though are not perpetual printing presses off currency.
This is what appears to be the crux of all of this. The moment that the looters of the US Treasury decide to no longer fund the Evergrande extortion is the moment this collapse starts affecting American and English finance. It will not affect China as this is what dictator Xi has implemented as domestic policy for China and war policy against the UK and US.
Nuff Said