Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Hush little baby don't cry out loud
Take your Fauci vax in a measured shroud.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The age of reason has ceased in this world for 2/3rds of the population. The point in this is, if you asked parents this question, how would they reply or how would you reply:

The Centers for Disease Control has announced that all newborn babies will be immunized against Canine Distemper, a disease which only dogs can contract...................

How many parents would hand their children over to be injected knowing their child will never contract this disease?

That is the reality of this ghoul and the pill ghouls of moving to vax babies. It was stated from the start of this that children can not contract the biological weapon of the Wuhan virus. We later learned that any child was exposed, they had an almost 100% survival rate, surpassing even if they contracted the common cold.

There is absolutely not any medical reason to inject canine distemper into a child any more than to inject the Covid vax into infants as the babies are immune to contracting this virus, and if they are in a statistically small group that for Darwin reasons they would contract this virus, they would recover like with the common cold, as they have functioning immune systems.

What we are learning in the suppressed medical information is that people died from the COVID from Anthony Fauci's REMDESVIR treatment as remdesivir is a poison. A quarter teaspoon will kill humans and we know this because from HIV, to Ebola and COVID when remdesivir is administered to humans their conditions worsen and they die.

Nursing staff when the opportunity arises, tell patients verbally or by passing notes informing them to not take remdesvir as they have seen it kill numbers of people.

What Anthony Fauci and the pill ghouls are in the process of unleashing is invaxicide on infants. There is no medical need to inject children. There is only the policy of billions for the conglomerates in these hideous vaxes or a programme to thin out the human population, which this vax is doing.

“Hopefully within a reasonably short period of time, likely the beginning of next year in 2022, in the first quarter of 2022, it will be available to them,” Fauci predicted in an interview with Insider.

“Can’t guarantee it, you’ve got to do the clinical trial,” he added.

Breitbart.com reports: Insider identified Pfizer as the “likely frontrunner in the race to vaccinate babies and toddlers, because its pediatric vaccine trials are already underway”:

But Pfizer hasn’t submitted any clinical trial data to the FDA for kids under 5 yet. It can be tough for vaccine makers to predict exactly when clinical trials will be completed, because the timing hinges in part on how many trial participants get sick during a study period (as we know, COVID-19 illnesses don’t like to run on a set schedule).

According to an October report from ABC Action News, “Pfizer expects to apply for approval from the FDA for their COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months to 5 years old in November.”

Fauci’s remarks follow the Biden White House’s campaign to vaccinate children ages 5 through 11, even recruiting famed children’s characters, such as Big Bird and Elmo, to convince parents to make it happen.

“Parents of children ages 5 and over: Please get them vaccinated,” Biden pled following the approval of Pfizer’s jab for that age group.

The reality is the mass population suffers in a 2/3rds majority a psychopathy that they will follow instructions to place their children in the morgue, because they will get something in a vax. This indicates that this same group will hand over the survivors to legalized pedophilia which has been on the homoesexual agenda from the start of this.

If you breed a population of livestock like sheep to comply to being fenced in, to accept shearing, not struggle with injections. obey being herded by dogs and load in a trailer for slaughter after the Muslims have had sex with them, you have a mind print of that the world population has been conditioned to.

They are not any different than livestock, and are as William the Conqueror defined the English as the cloth of the land, as the people were not there in Joan of Arc's time to live. People existed to produce bodies for war and to work themselves to death making a lifestyle for the feudal few.

The world has become infected not with a biological weapon or a weaponized vax, but a feudal virus which has promoted the slave gene.

Nuff Said

