Saturday, November 20, 2021

May the Pox be with You

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to project something without inquiry as I'm busy burying a dead brother.

Millions of people will die around the world from covid vaccines in just the next six months as immune suppression, Antibody Dependent Enhancement and cancer tumors growths all accelerate.

There is far too much necrosapien projections in we are all going to die. Death is not a producer of anything of lastly use to the 1%. You do not sheer a sheep once and then slit it's throat and toss it in the pit. You keep shearing it, and shearing it, till the skeleton remains and then you grind that up for fodder.

I though believe Synforms are being created. Created for the purpose of making humans into individual manufacturing platforms which are immortal perpetual, when plugged into a 'thought grid" as Elon Musk is building in SatNet.

When you see the headlines below, do not think of mass genocide.

FBI Launches Probe After 'SMALLPOX Is Found In
Merck Facility While Cleaning Out A Freezer'

The SMALLPOX Biowar – Globalists Prepare 'Perfect'
Scheme To Cover Up Vaccine Deaths And Cancel Mid-
Term Elections By Unleashing A New, Deadly Epidemic

View this in reality. The reality is a couple of billion holdouts who would die if they were vaxed, because they have natural immunity in contracting Wuhan Imuno which was spread, are not going to be vaxed as this ball is pumted.

The symptoms appearing of this vax in enough people is bleeding out of holes in the body. That is the German Marburg Monkey Virus and iti s Ebola. The projection then is that this will be the first cover for the vax symptoms in blaming something not released.

MERCK did not just find small pox. It was put there to be made into a story to herd the masses again. Not to kill the masses. Now could a Plum Island closed end pox have been created, closed in the sense of, it does not spread, beyond those it is deliberately infected? Yes that would be logical, in another controlled panic.

So what would be the solution? For those non baby boomers, who are an aging race, you probably never noticed that round mark on their shoulder. That is the small pox immunity which was mandatory in America up until the 1970's. As the boomers are picked off already, that means this is how one gets the hold out groups to all get a mandatory vax in the small pox vax which has all the things in it, which the Covid vax does. This is how it will be accomplished in the mark of the pox. No need for dictator Biden executive orders, as it will be mandatory, even for the boomers as it will be stated, "Your immunity is not sufficient for this new variant".

It appears they are coming for people with small pox pricks from December onward, with the definite projection for sometime in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. You think you have seen lockdowns and shutdowns for control. You have seen nothing if they unleash the small pox dictates.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Smallpox was an infectious disease caused by one of two virus variants, Variola major and Variola minor. The last naturally occurring case was diagnosed in October 1977, and the World Health Organization (WHO) certified the global eradication of the disease in 1980. The risk of death after contracting the disease was about 30%, with higher rates among babies. Often those who survived had extensive scarring of their skin, and some were left blind.
