Hello, Brier Patch Congressgender here. Have you been experiencing
with this vax the condition of rectal havoc like me?
Well help is on the way sister.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My Congressgender like most in the GOP are having a problem with support now as they stopped answering calls were hanging up on people and installing Dictator Joe Biden.
So now they are reaching out and offering support to those they abandoned like we all were Jan6ers carrying the plague.
So tonight we got home an the phone rings and we do not pick up as we do not pick up the phone if we do not know the number. It was Congressgender leaving a reach out message assuring us that I know this vax situation has rectal havoc in your lives".
What he meant to say was "I know this vax situation has wrecked havoc in your lives."
I don't think my Congressgender is married. Certainly is not as attractive as Congressgender AOC or other members of Congress. My Congressgender sort of falls between looking like John Thune as a shriveled foreskin and one of the kids Pedo Biden is always molesting in public.
While I appreciate my Congressgenders concern for my rectal havoc with the virus. I do not have rectal havoc from the vax or the virus. Congressgender did leave a phone number to circle back to, but as they never pick up the phone, I do not understand what calling back about rectal havoc would do any good as I will not get any sympathy or advice on the next Preparation H emergency service station I could rush to. I know 911 exists, but I doubt they would be pleased if I phoned them up and said," Excuse me but my Congressgender just left a message alerting me to the vax causes rectal havoc. As Congressgenders stopped answering the phone and emails before January 6th, is there a local Emergency Response the Congressgender is speaking about to deal in these vax times with rectal havoc.
I will admit, my Congressgender is the shiftiest, creepiest and most untrustworthy Congressgender in the history of Congress. No it is not Dame Nancy Pelosi or his lordship Chuck Schumer. Is a real GOPliter and you know it is bad as Mitch McConnell makes you cringe in thinking if you touched him what you might catch.
I do wonder what kind of rectal havoc my Congressgender has been experiencing as it is on their mind. Maybe they are hanging around with the Karl Rove log holers or the View lesbians had a "We are free from Meghan" party and were passing around the bong and the feces scented dildos administering rectal havoc.
You can always tell men and women genders who take it up the ass as they always are in a bad mood. Their butts leak poop all the time in rectal stretch and no one likes smelling like an old folks home all the time. What else could one expect though with rectal havoc which my Congressgender is aware of and seeking to help the public with.
I don't know if your Congressgenders are phoning you up and telling you they can help with rectal havoc, but if they are and they are offering like freebies like ..............oh vanilla scented corks to keep the poop in or Preparation H pills the size of bananas, make your sure you clue me in, as I could use those corks for carp fishing and Prep H banana size would probably make good lube to keep my leather boots waterproof.
That is about all I have to share on rectal havoc. If I hear any more about this subject from Congress, I will probably feature it, as maybe it is in the new spending bill as something is in there and maybe there is some kind of relief for Americans in this and it is not just all going to Mexicans and Muslims suffering from rectal havoc as they have lots of rectal havoc in the 3rd world. Chris Stevens in Libya and Mexicans in prison get lots of brooms shoved up their butts as soccer matches only go so far in entertainment.
Nuff Said