As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Just a question in have you ever heard anyone ever say that?
I did a search for this phrase, and someone had a Love Joe Biden apron and someone who hated Trump said they loved Joe Biden too...........but this is a first as even Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter both had people who said they loved them.
Oct 30, 2021 ... No one loves Joe Biden. Americans elected the president to get rid of his predecessor. They're not sure what else he can do ...
Love and hate are emotions of depth. For no one to love or honestly hate Joe Biden, means this Dictator is one which is so faux that he neither inspires nor instills any emotions in them. Joe Biden is equal to his aged condition in no one really has any thoughts about him, other than they would prefer he does not run for re installment again.
This is puzzling to me in historic proportions as I can not find any leader in history who did not have antagonists or protagonists. It is just strange in these rampaging emotional times, that people do not have any emotions about Joe Biden. He is like a soda cracker. He is just there and you do not get attached to it nor give it a thought as you walk away.
Oh I have to apologize, as I just went back and read the link, and it was Joe Biden as Vice President aprons. That means no one has any emotion about the Dictator for a decade.
Amazing narrative, but is perhaps how he pulled off the steal.
Nuff Said