As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I wonder how stupid people are often and this aborticide drama is revealing how stupid people are.
Klobuchar: Pro-choice Republicans interested in codifying Roe v. Wade's abortion protections - Washington Times ∞ times
After millions of White and Black Americans have been exterminated, now suddenly Bungholer John Roberts is going to protect babies?
Yeah whose babies? The not vaxed Mexicans and Muslims who breed like rats.
and where will they be breeding?
None of you have factored this out. Reagan Blue States will outlaw aborticide. Your Marxist Nazi red states will remain wide open. NO LIVES OF BABIES WILL BE SAVED.
There is not one baby protecting state that does not border on child butcher states where women will be jumping that border to get a baby murdered legally. A state like Minnesota will have butcher shops all along their borders slaughtering every Dakotan, Nebraskan and Iowan child.
The White and Black wombs will abort. The primate vermin in Kristi Noem's South Dakota for Chinese meat plant slavery will out breed the Whites as Noem is so clever in inviting rich Californians, Minnesotans and New Yorkers into her state to OUT PRICE THE LOCALS so they are driven from the state.
I warned you to watch these Goddamn frauds as for every Missouri, Utah, Idaho and North Carolina there is an Illinois, California, Washington and Virginia sitting on the border to make billions on this aborticide industry now concentrated.
That is what this is all about. Not protecting life. This is about sending it back to the states to concentrate economic power in these rich liberal bankrupt states, while the slaves force out the people in Reagan states.
So for all Trump promises which only put Vatican Pedophile Child Butchers on the court to sucker you into thinking you won, be warned what a world with a States Rights Roe vs Wade will mean as there are no protections for children in this. The worst of child slaughter in Virginia will not be stopped. It will be expanded upon, as bases for legalized child rape which is what this blog warned was on the agenda decades ago and now is making political inroads as you are conditioned to pedophilia in the Pedo Island group.
Nuff Said