Sorry we are only treating people who were vaxed and
are dying from it as the profit margin is better.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti anti matter.
As a Protestant Christian, it is a necessity now to thank Google for removing posts which are offensive and I appreciate Google always looking out for me and all of you, and also, for the 1% propagandists to be given an insight into the Protestant Christian mind as that which is adversarial against God simply does not comprehend how a Christian mind processes information and then makes Judgments.
This is about David Frum, the faggot from the Bush Fam who is advocating that hospitals allow ReVaxNiks to die on the stretchers in the morgue.
Atlantic writer David Frum calls for hospitals to 'quietly' 'serve the unvaccinated last' ∞ thepostmillennial
Google kindly alerted me that the post about There is No Escape from New York and There Is was unpublished. I don't know what was in that post, except the wonderful actor Kurt Russell and the wonderful actress Adrienne Barbeau, as that is all I can remember of the post as Kurt and Adrienne tend to cloud the mind in being so wonderfully entertaining.
Anyway this is about leaving Christians to die on the stretchers in the morgue.
It may surprise David Frum, but when this biological weapon was released on the world, I evaluated what was taking place, and I decided I would trust God and if I died, I was not going to bankrupt TL in hospital bills as I have no health insurance. I'm not about to hang onto life and leave TL in poverty. So the choice is to die or to have massive bills. I choose death as 100 years ago people died all the time and that was just the way things were.
I watched the mother degrade, she broke her hip and should have died then. Instead her heart started to fail later, she turned into a real tool of satan, fluid built up and she then died by God's Grace, but the reality is when health conditions knock in some cases it is time to die, because you are just going to cost yourself a load of problems.
So David Frum threatening Protestant Christians in Christophobe hate crimes, is of no consequence to me, as I would not go near those death factories in pumping in Remdesvir poisons for that ghoul Anthony Fauci. Death is a part of life and I trust in the Lord in what happens in life, in death and in the after Life, so trying to terrorize me that I won't be treated does not bother me in the least as Christ is my Great Physician.
We have two hospitals here. One I call the hospital you go to, to get treated and the other is the place you go to, to die. Lots of people die in the one hospital and that is just the way it is. I have been near death often enough that I do not fear it. It troubles me in TL and the animals if I was not here, but I have God's Promise my life is mine in serving Him, so no one gets to end it, but by my decision, and I", waiting for Jesus return as I desire to see this thing out to the end.
So this baiting by David Frum and other liberals of genocide of ReVaxNiks is just ignorance on their part. A Protestant Christians does not fear death, but rather fears God Who is able to destroy by the body and soul in Gehenna flames.
I honestly pity those like David Frum who are paid to post such hateful things, but they have chosen their rewards in this life, and it is dust off my shoes and when David Frum goes to the hospital, his same medical staff trained by Anthony Fauci will prescribe the same things that ended the experience of that sad Colin Powell.
The 1% is not going to need all these propagandists once the brain zombie takes over on the vaxed. So there will not longer be the need to pay them or keep them around, as they might start challenging the authority of those in power when it is something they care about that gets vaxed.
Attorney: Entire family given COVID vaccine instead of flu shot, 2 children now suffering heart issues ∞ wnd
Yes this is future tense and those vaxing will be giving things to David Frum in anal suppositories too, to make sure he is up to date on Booster 450 in the next year.
The tragedy in this is, the Vaxnazi think they are scaring people yet in their threats, when people have moved on and are preparing to continue to survive when the 1% is denying humans their rights. My brother was murdered horrifically by this vax. I have witnessed the effects. The idea that someone can threaten me as an anti Christian with denying me medical treatment, when medical treatment would murder me, is the most ludicrous Catch 22 yet.
I do not want your medical industry Mr. Frum and as more people are thinned out of this population, the medical industry will go from billions in dollars to hundreds of thousands. The entire industry is going to collapse.
Those are the facts.
even though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil.
I realize that the unsaved think that dying is the worst thing, but there are worse things coming as the Bible explains than dying, and that is the worm that dieth not.
Nuff Said