Tuesday, December 14, 2021

You may now address me as President for Life


You see, Meghan is just a quadroon and she understands that 
if you reward her with a fruit, and I pretend Charles is my father,
but La'me Cherry surpasses even my father as President Cherry,
was elevated like King David, and not just born to a position.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would be remiss if I did not for my children and brats of the blog, accept the adulations and honor of this poor orphan girl, who like Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and......well no one else as we are a special People compared to the rest of you, with no offense intended of course, but facts are facts, in from this point on, I must be addressed by my proper title of President for Life, Nominee, of the Dead.

I have mentioned of my grand exaltation of being placed on the cemetery board, in charge of human emotions in tending them in their most dire family times, in charge of their dear departed loved ones, and yes in charge of something more important than life, for now I am in charge of death. So you can see that a dictator like Joe Biden, a birther like Obama, and even these Bush, Clinton and Trump creations, are nothing compared to me, as it is my responsibility which surpasses nuclear warheads, biological weapons contracted out to China, sending the FBI to hunt down Jan6ers and other works of those in elected and stolen elections, in I really am a law to myself, and like the Emperors of the Forbidden City, it is my good graces which look after all my people now, as it is  a responsibility which most fail at.

Can anyone say at the present time that any nation in this world is being served better by their presidents or dictators, than by my being appointed for life? Of course not.

It was Roger, now 87 years old who handed the vast power over to me, because of course, I am such a God outstanding personality, the Light of  God just exudes from me and attracts people who discuss how to make me their leader. I decline most offers as what would I do with Japan, as I love the little people, but they must continue on in governing themselves so splendidly well. No, my rule is over the dead who must be looked after as they have no voice in this world, save democratic elections, and the worst of it is, for all the dead who vote there, not one ever gets a nice pot plant or even a steak dinner. One must always reward the interests of their voters and not be like the 1%.

Granted I prefer to be addressed as, President for Life, thee Excellency of Lame Cherry, Protector of the Necrosapien. The rest of you will simply have to do with your dictators and things and run for your lives from the FBI until you are mine, and then to enjoy all the benefits of my benevolent oversight. Just know that in this world a far far better place awaits for you with me as President for Life.

So the rich and wealthy who have been holding back in donating to a poor orphan girl, have now the absolute shame of who have not fore adored the coming Magi of me. I'm of course forgiving and the rich are encumbered with wealth which blinds them. Those with means just feel utterly foolish as .......well they say they have money......may purchase an appointment like an ambassador, and then to discover that a Roman is in their midst who was born a Leader as St. Paul told his captors and put them into terror, it is just something the rich can never buy, the birthright of leadership of President for Life Cherry.

So for my children and my brats, I simply must for their elevated position in being under my God given care, bow to the will of protocol and refer to myself from now on as President for Life, or PFL. It is a task which would and has destroyed so many lesser people in politics, but of course this is a light thing to me in having this type of absolute power. I"m simply the Spirit Who I'm certain that God the Father has my name on the top of the list to keep His Throne warm if He ever decides to go on vacation or has a hard decision to which He would defer to me, as led by His Holy Ghost, I of course would be up to it, and all would marvel, but none would worship me, as of course I could handle such vocational duties in knowing God deserves all the Glory and Honor.

As I have stated, you though may marvel at how wonderful I have been developed by God, and ponder a time that you might be trusted to ........fix a crack in your sidewalk, next week or after winter has passed by your city board. Granted you will probably fail and never be elevated as I have been, but find comfort that you are mine, that I overlook rich people being blinded by money and not recognizing the vast power I have now been appointed to in a title which they can never buy, and how like God, I am most forgiving as I understand what clay primates you are.

So be uplifted as you now have a President for Life who really does care about you and you are no longer enslaved and imprisoned by this world, in having a true leader with absolute authority.

The Excellency, La'me Cherry, President for Life
President of the Necrosapiens

Nuff Said

