Sunday, March 27, 2022

More than Vaginal or Anal Lube

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I realize that most of you are not top of the brain chain. Most of you think physicists, doctors, lawyers or Einstein are top of the grey matter of intelligence.

That is a fallacy as common sense will out perform IQ 100% of the time.

The real value of the physical condition are Engineers and Chemists. These are Euclidean and Alchemy elixirs of potions. This is the stuff that all carbon is assembled from.

Put it in all sorts of combinations and all sorts of things come out.

This is not about organic chemistry or computer engineering though, this is about Dictator Joe Biden and the global elite, about to blackmail you into buying worthless poison green cars. This is about explaining something which none of you have contemplated as no one has written of this.

Do you know what crude oil is?

In it's basic form it is a hydro carbon. You have heard the description. I will give you some beautiful codes of things which you know, but most of you have ignored the codes as you thought it was too much to learn, but in them are the basics of "energy" stored by God in the earth, all based in two explosive fuels in Hydrogen and Oxygen and a regulator of Carbon.

. The simplest hydrocarbon, methane, burns as follows:

CH4 + 2 O2 → 2 H2O + CO2 + energy

In inadequate supply of air, carbon monoxide gas and water vapour are formed:

2 CH4 + 3 O2 → 2 CO + 4 H2O

Another example is the combustion of propane:

C3H8 + 5 O2 → 4 H2O + 3 CO2 + energy

And finally, for any linear alkane of n carbon atoms,

CnH2n+2 + 3n + 1/2 O2 → (n + 1) H2O + n CO2 + energy.

Partial oxidation characterizes the reactions of alkenes and oxygen. This process is the basis of rancidification and paint drying.

These are the cycles of assembled chains in combinations and breaking those chains.

What is stored in crude oil?  The simple answer is energy, about the most powerful group of oxygen stored energies which created the industrial revolution.

Yes is all boring to you, but why can't you put crude oil in your car just like gas as it is all energy?

I will get to the beef in this menu. You have heard the word distillation right? Your booze is distilled to concentrate another form of energy. Crude oil is also distilled. Distillation is a process of applying heat. Heat excites molecules like boiling water creates steam.  Crude oil has it's own "steam". It has lots of other steams as it is more complex than water. See crude oil has lots of things in it, and only so much room in natural molecular assemblage for all those things, like a cake only has room for so much flour and eggs.

To make this simple the steam at the top is propane. The sludge at the bottom is tar. In between are gasoline at the top and diesel fuel at the bottom or lower would be heating oil.

There are all kinds of structures in this from butane to the aromatics like naphtha, as in solvents. 

I will meet you on the other side as you can study the charts in what a refinery is, in how it operates in distilling or refining crude oil.

Let us return to Bidencon in these con job electric cars he is foisting on the world. We hear constantly about those horrid fossil fuels. If we could just get rid of them, the world would be the Garden of Eden.

So venture in this engineering and chemistry understanding, the Biden electric car and all of that gasoline is not longer "climate changing", so everything is wonderful.

Here is a question for you, "How many electric jets is Dictator Biden's conglomerates flying around?" The answer is none.

What do jets use for fuel? It is a form of kerosene which comes out of crude oil.

So Dictator Biden has his electric cars, what is in your transmission and gears? The same thing that is in electric cars transmission and gears. What is that? It is transmission oil and grease. Where does transmission oil and grease come from? For the most part, crude oil.

How about your lighter for your propane and charcoal grill? Oh that is right crude oil has propane and you need butane for your lighter.

This is now 4 products from crude oil.

Now here is your graduate answer in, can you distill or refine crude oil in just taking out the 4 things you need? Or how about 5 things in the tar that makes your asphalt? The answer is, "No".  So people need hundreds of millions of gallons of these distilled products. That is the devil in the details in Dictator Biden can stop the use of gasoline engines, but in order to get these other necessary products, what comes out of the tube is all of that gasoline which is part of the refined production.

So what is Dictator Biden and his cronies going to do with all of that gasoline? It has no use in engines now as they are electric. It can not be burned as it will harm the environment. You can't pump it back into the ground. Billions of gallons of this stuff, like diesel fuel, like home heating oil, are going to be in need of storage, as it now has no government mandated use.

What the hell is the world going to do with billions of gallons of this stuff? The cost of storage would be immense. It can not be put in the ground as it will pollute and gasoline evaporates polluting the atmosphere.

As you can now understand, no one save this blog has brought this up. You can not have roads to drive on without tar, from coal or oil. You can not have BBQ without propane and butane. You can not have trucking, construction or airplanes without diesel or kerosene.

Bidencon can not have roads for cars without crude oil and they can not have electric cars without crude oil. You can not have synthetic oil without crude oil.

Synthetic oil
Lubricant consisting of artificially made chemical compounds

Synthetic oil is a lubricant consisting of chemical compounds that are artificially made. Synthetic lubricants can be manufactured using chemically modified petroleum components rather than whole crude oil, but can also be synthesized from other raw materials. The base material, however, is still overwhelmingly crude oil that is distilled and then modified physically and chemically. The actual synthesis process and composition of additives is generally a commercial trade secret and will vary among producers.

Here is one more you can't have, and you can't have crops growing without chemical fertilizers. 

Petrochemical fertilizers are another name for the synthetic products because they are produced using large quantities of petroleum and other fossil fuels.

All of this is inter related. You can not have electric cars without crude oil and you can not have crude oil without gasoline production in billions of gallons as it all connects to growing food and flying jets and your BBQ.

This is the chemistry and the engineering. This is the science.

Light distillates

  • C1 and C2 components
  • Liquified petroleum gas (LPG)
  • Light naphtha
  • Gasoline (petrol)
  • Heavy naphtha

Middle distillates

  • Kerosene
  • Automotive and rail-road diesel fuels
  • Residential heating fuel
  • Other light fuel oils

Heavy distillates

  • Heavy fuel oils
  • Wax
  • Lubricating oils
  • Asphalt


  • Coke (similar to coal)
  • Elemental sulfur

The science though requires answers. You can not have environmental concerns without the reality of science.  What are these nation rapist genocidists who installed the puppet dictator going to do with billions of gallons of gasoline as a bi product?

This environmentalism is all bullshit. There is zero logic or science behind it and the cartel knows it. It is just a means to an end.

Nuff Said
