Sunday, March 27, 2022

You Have Been Selected


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK this is interesting.

In a world where woke Lloyd Austin has Trump's bungholer General Milley in the fox hole, that the Selective Service is doing a push to herd bodies into a military draft, even more than usual. The regime is really going after cowards. They have a fancy name for it called Conscientious Objectors.

My Uncle was one. Think it was for being a Jehovahs Witness.

I thought with all of these wokesters and that other shit in the military with queer genitals that this volunteer army was going great. What was going even more great was all these Goddamn foreigners that are being dumped into America was that 10 million of them made a great army to draft. They breed like rats so that is like 100 million more army things, and somewhere in this the deep state, cartel, 1%, elite, rulers know America is in deep shit, that a war is coming, a war that is going to be a FEDERAL EMERGENCY, meaning war is coming to thee American shores, that war is coming in the system, the infrastructure is going to cease to function, and all these Goddamn foreigners are not up to doing what it takes to save America, they are only a known cancer to eat Americans.

So you get this, the army after it steals elections to install Biden, set up Jan6ers for FBI hunt downs, is now begging cowards to become slaves. Now what does the Pentagon expect to do as slaves?

You will love this one, as the war which is coming is nuclear, biological and chemical. It will have people bleeding out of their asses, coughing up lungs, rotting in the flesh, and the Pentagon wants Americans from 18 to 55 to be drafted into this FEMA stretcher army to gather up this decomposing millions and have them throw people into mass graves, throw on the lime and their own puke to make everything clean in this wonderful garden America will be with all that human fertilizer which of course is going to unleash new plagues on the slaves handling all this disease, getting bitten by corpse flies  and drinking corpse tea water.

Just in case you have your head up your ass in not knowing what is coming, but the Lame Cherry does.

Nuff Said

