As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is more a matter of what the hell are you going to do.
As you have been warned to prep, the time which is left is running out when money will not be able to solve your problems I could care less if turkeys are not available for propaganda high days in America, but the chicken is a different matter due to eggs. Eggs are the perfect food. They last for a long time in the shell in normal temperatures and when cooked will last a number of days in the shell.
Last year we purchased two bags of dehydated eggs. I will not eat the things, but they are for cooking in things to break up a brown bread existence.
As Stephanie asked about our chickens and laying eggs, our chickens are from Sumatra or Jungle Fowl so they have their own ideas about laying eggs, which are for reproduction, not eating as like all wild birds they have their breeding season. I keep our chickens and our cattle for food on the hoof and fly as a reserve. They are worth that to me, no matter how must I stress out over feeding them.
I was talking to a farm gal in the farm store and she said she had baby chicks in her basement and she can hear them peeping as they are under her bed. Apparently in Himmlerville they allow people to have up to 8 hens in town. That explains why TL and I saw by the house near the Catholic church a rooster and two hens on the lawn last fall, quite tame and peaceful. Apparently in Himmlerville if your neighbors are Black Steve and Old Duffers who can not hear, even the cops drive by and pretend to not hear the roosters crowing.
I took the plunge, thinking that winter would be over and it is not, in purchasing some feather footed chickens, as eggs are going to be shorted and it is time to top off the prepping. More work than I want, but more people are going back to the Victory Garden chit in the Brier as they remembered what life was, and honestly, you do not need a dozen hens to run up your feed bills. A few hens will eat bugs, scratch out your plants and probably get eaten by cats if you have them waiting for your eggs. Chickens will eat anything, including leftovers. They are pigs with feathers.
So you should probably take the hint in what is being said. A wire pen with a roof on to keep the hawks from eating them, a ventilated dog house thing for night to keep the coons from dining on them, and voila you got mostly free food, as they eat grass and bugs in summer.
As I ordered straight run, the surplus roosters will get knocked in the head for freezer duty to keep our meat supply topped off.
I never thought I would see chickens expensive nor their eggs like gold, but as I said while you were all whoring around in your good lives, I was dealing with the mother and satan killing my expensive birds in breeding a flock which would set on eggs. Yes I do not need an incubator or electricity as I have hens that lay eggs and set on them. Chickens which are tough in being idiots in roosting in trees in 20 below zero snow storm blizzards. They do pretty good against coyotes and owls, and I only lost two roosters in one got beat to death in a cock fight and the other got beat up and a coon killed and ate him. Moral is sex is not worth fighting over with the wolf at the door.
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Cases Of H5N6 Bird Flu
Chickens are dusty. Chickens if raised outside have mites on them and they do make noise We had one though that froze his legs off in winter and I brought him in, and he actually was someone that TL liked as he sang a great deal and was content inside until he died.
We will be raising the chicks in the porch again, with a wire on top so the cats do not eat them. Inside as it costs too much to heat a building outside now. I like baby chicks anyway, and when it warms up enough, I have a stock tank that I made for a brooder and they stay in there safe at night with a light on.
Always have liked baby chicks as when warm, the really do not make any loud noises and they are entertaining for me to watch.
Oh the old adage of "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" is also, "Do not think that all of your chickens are going to be alive next week." That is why you get a few extra.
Also, get a docile breed. The Sumtras we have are under your feet tame compared to those wild English Games. Most of the large breeds are not flighty and we had one Production Red that used to cuddle with a cat or vice versa.
You might decide like most people that you actually like your pet chickens and talk to them like a dog.
Nuff Said