Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Netherlands Targets Homosexuals to Stop Queer Plague

The pompous tulip growers who have stolen land from mother sea
are now force injecting against the Pansy Plague

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As leader of wokeism in being the wokest wokester of the woke, the Lame Cherry rises in condemnation against the Netherlands for their homophobic vax to inoculate the world against the plague of homosexuals.

The Lame Cherry had thought that Europeans and Dutch were the most awokened of peoples, but that is slammed to the sodden earth by this targeting of queers to be vaxed.

Netherlands Reportedly Launches Preventive
Vaccination Against Monkeypox

The headlines from the start of this like AIDS, revealed that homosexuals were spreading plagues like HIV, Hepatitus, Coronavirus Wuhan and yes now Monkey Pox. It is their natural degenerate misbehavior which affects them worse. They have piles of cash which they never donate to causes like the Lame Cherry which has supported them constantly, and instead jet off to raves where they engage in hedonistic orgy sex of disease spreading proportions, then jet back home and expect healthcare workers to endanger themselves and Obamacare to pay for their disease epidemic.

8 days ago ... Monkeypox isn't considered a sexually transmitted disease, but most people who have gotten it in the US in the latest outbreak report some ...

May 25, 2022 ... While most cases so far are among gay and bisexual men, health officials emphasise that anyone can contract the virus through close personal ...

With the mountain of abominable sins the sodomite will burn in hell for, there is not in the least a fissure of an excuse for the Netherlands to target the homosexual for plague vaxes in preventing homosexuals from spreading this epidemic.

Let it be clear, pre vaxing will not help those who do not engage in perverted sex. So normal people, moral people, straight people, celibate people, people of all kinds and types who are not queer, will have no purpose in being vaxed as they can not catch Monkey Pox as they are not engaged in the wild monkey sex. The only people who will be held down, injected and innoculated will be the faggots. Society does not have the right to do this in the Netherlands and Europe. Who do they think they are Jonas Sauk and that polio sugar cube in stopping an epidemic that was already stopped?

The Lame Cherry calls upon world leaders as Dictator Biden will not do anything again for the sodomite just as he did not hand out coat hangers to women seeking abortions as the Lame Cherry sought to preserve those rights and not allow Planned Parenthood a monopoly in California in mass abortions of children.

One would think that Dictator Biden with his Rainbow Warriors could at least send over a shipload of HIMARS to the homosexuals so they could attack the Netherlands as Biden has done in Ukraine. Are not homosexuals equal to the Jew like Zellinskyy when it comes to the advocacy of the holocaust? Should not homos have the same right to genocide the Dutch the way Zellinskyy is genociding the Ukrainians?

The answer is a resounding YES.

Can not Germany bomb the Dutch with American nuclear warheads to preserve the homo right to the Monkey Pox as what goes on between 500 people in sex is their private affair and not the Dutch. 
Can not France have Manny Macron place a phone call to the Dutch telling them French things the way Manny did with Vladimir Putin over Ukraine and it must have done some good as lots of people have died.

None of us can remain silent in this when it comes to homos being injected with biological weapons and scapegoated.  We must remember the words of that great pedophile Prince Andrew. 

"We're not allowed to play Monopoly at home".

I do not know what the hell that means, but it must have meaning in this time as the Dutch are injecting things into queers. Let us all say, Semen for Queers up the Anus but No Monkey Vax in their Veins!!!!

This is another woke Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
