Saturday, July 23, 2022

Eating the HIMARS Lunch

Donald you didn't answer me in will they let me retire
to a golf resort like they did you?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So word has it out of the grooming ground of the treacherous, The Aspen Institute, that Rainbow Warrior Jake Sullivan of Bidencon stated that Jew Zellinskyy should be very afraid for his safety.

Gonzala Lira - Zelensky Is About To Be
Assassinated By The Americans

I thought this was brilliant of the cartel in assassinating that weird little perv as how appropriate would it be to murder this puppet and blame it on Russia.

In examination, the Russians are winning. They are softening future battle areas from Donbass west to Odessa. Russia will by the rasputitsa have annexed all of southern Ukraine, leaving Russian soldiers in the warm beds of willing Ukrainian and Russian women in those cold winter nights which come to that region.

We know that America has got England to agree to Poland getting special status in Ukraine, and Poles are going to be bi national like Obama was. So what is the use of Zellinskyy. I mean this troll dresses in dirty military shirts, never bathes, is a real non appealing propaganda tool, as everywhere he goes he offends everyone. So what would be the cartel solution but to cancel their billionaire swindler, absorb his bank accounts, blame Russia and as Poland already is in charge, just have that Pollack in Warsaw be leader of Ukraine too.

Blaming Russia has great prospects as first you got Biden HIMARS in Ukraine. America has been trying to rub out Putin for years. Remember that odd car crash in Moscow years ago when this all started in a car came screaming at Biden out of nowhere? Well Sean Homo Hannity will obviously be calling for a tit for tat or a Putin for a Zellinskyy.

No there is not danger here, I was assured by Jake Sullivan
that that this is a safe zone.

Would Russia retaliate in knocking off Biden......well Biden is about knocked off by Obama already in that COVID stuff so what is the point as that card is off the table. I could see those nimwits at State, Defense and Intelligence saying, "Hey let's bribe some Russian with a missile to tell us when they are going to be shooting at something in Ukraine, and we will put Zellinskyy there and just like Uriah he will be a heap. Yes that was a Jew assassination over a hot body woman, but this is bigger than hot body women.

So they get Zellinskyy, have that Pole in command, and the HIMARS shower down on Putin, and Russia can retaliate by obliterating Ukraine, but it is doing that anyway, and in the end Medvedev gets to be president. he has south Ukraine, has Russian oil, has Russia wheat, is in BRICS, so it looks like a win win, as long as they do not go postal and start nuking NATO.

As I said I could see those nimwits saying this was a great idea. Probably like Tim McVeigh, Zellinsyy will not be killed, just moved to a new mansion in some perv place where no one will notice another coke head.

Personally, I don't like the idea of Vladimir Putin blown to HIMAR bits. He is the one stable feature in a nationalist world. Peace shows up where Vladimir Putin gets involved. It would be immoral and a lack of faith to carry out another false flag like this. I would not even change my mind if Zellinskyy were really expendable as disgusting as he is, Vladimir Putin deserves better.

The Lame Cherry makes the point that Americans do not agree with this kind of squat assassin policy. It is un American and beneath what Americans would ever do. Americans do not do dirty deals like this. Abraham Lincoln was not nuking Robert E. Lee. He did it the right way in he had Grant destroy his American army in battle along with Lee's and gave it all a cover in setting slaves dumber than posts free to be a burden on the world.

This policy is wrong, but it is the world we are now enslaved by and no one is emancipating us.  Not going to be sorry when Zellinskyy is taken out by the cartel, but am sorry about Ukraine genocide by Zellinskyy and Vladimir Putin eating HIMARS and the real culprits like with JFK will get away with the deed again.

Nuff Said

