Sunday, July 24, 2022

and what of Mark Augnst


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a Protestant Christian, I believe the memoirs of Joan of Arc who stated that St. Louis was a source in praying for France as a nation, which led Joan's Voices to be sent to have her deliver France from obliteration by the English.

I believe when an American Soldier who was being tortured by the Imperial Japanese in World War II, that if they killed him that he was going to come back and haunt those bastards.

I believe that as the Bible teaches in the Revelation of Jesus the Christ that the Saints are under the Altar of God and plead their cause in asking God when martyred, "How long will it be until we are avenged?"

Aungst is not the first defendant to take their own life after being charged for being in Washington that day. Earlier this year, another Pennsylvania man arrested in connection with the January 6 riots committed suicide. Matthew Perna, who had also gone to Washington to support Trump pleaded guilty in December of 2021 to entering the building and faced years in prison. He hung himself in his garage.

“He attended the rally on Jan. 6, 2021 to peacefully stand up for his beliefs,” said Perna’s family. “After learning that the FBI was looking for him, he immediately turned himself in. He didn’t break, touch, or steal anything. He did not harm anyone. He stayed within the velvet ropes taking pictures. For this act he has been persecuted by many members of his community, friends, relatives, and people who had never met him. Many people were quietly supportive and Matt was truly grateful for them.”

So when I witness another innocent American being so tortured by the Department of Justice and the deluded in their communities over January 6th that they murder themselves, that there is a God Who records all, and that when these people's troubled souls are liberated from this veil of tears, that they have a Christ Who has compassion on them.

I believe that the Founders, from George Washington to Patrick Henry who gave all for America, that they are guardians of America like President William McKinley and President Ronald Reagan and these God chosen leaders, pray for the United States as other Christians pray for their nations and peoples. I believe just as Joan of Arc had St. Louis for France, that these leaders are praying for God to deal with what America has been Co Opted to. I believe like thee American Soldier who spewed at the Japanese torturing them that he was going to be their worst nightmare in coming back to haunt them, that when I read of an Perna, an Aungst, a Lavoy Finnicum, that there is a growing chorus of murdered Americans who plead God for a reckoning, as much as those American Protestant Christians in America join that chorus pleading with God for the deliverance of the remnant and the avenging of God on a nation overthrown by Co Opters which is a nation called by God's Name in Covenant.

I know that Christ will Judge at the White Throne those who are responsible for this murderous ending of lives of Americans. I personally would not want to be involved in any of this persecution, and it would leave me uneasy in knowing that there are dead people who were so tormented by my actions that were in Heaven, face to face with God, pleading for God to deal with those who drove me to murder myself.

I realize those involved in this are not Christians in the least. They have nothing to do with God in not considering Him or they would never be involved in these measures. That does not change though the realities of Joan of Arc and others who have revealed what goes on after people die. The last thing I would ever want is having some dead person, 24 hours a day, as they never get tired, complaining  to God about how I caused their death.

I know Charlie Manson heard the voice of Sharon Tate in his cell. I know of murderers who strangle themselves in their cells as that inner voice gets to them in that solitude of the prison as the voice of conscience calls loud in that silence and can not be ignored. People run from that voice, but I have learned time and again, even Just People who near death start considering their misdeeds and their conscience gets to them. How much louder will it be for those who suppress the murder of others as part of their job, and yet when faced with they reality of they will face God because they are dying of Covid or Cancer, they will not be able to ignore or make excuses for what they did.

Life is as precious as Liberty. You can not restore a life once it is taken no more than being imprisoned can remove the scar on a free soul which will ever be removed.

The Lame Cherry would that those who are given power in this world over others would not abuse that power to the harm of others and to the greater harm to themselves. There are allot of people who are going to answer to God for the murder of Mr. Augnst. That is the reality of Karma, the reality of opposite and equal reactions in Newton Law, and the recordings of the Holy Bible of what goes on beyond passing through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

How much good is the world now going to be deprived of in Mark Aungst is not in it to do that good? What awaits the world as Jimmy Stewart portrayed as George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life"? in which one suicide changed not just one town but the outcome of a war.

Those things are known by Christ in the Great Time Line. This is one of Jesus the Christ's vocations, sorting things out for real Justice.

According to this verse, the souls under the altar cry out for vengeance. They ask God how long it will be before He judges and takes vengeance on those who ...

God rest Mark Augnst soul and God give peace to those who loved that man.
