Sunday, July 24, 2022

What you are missing in Ukraine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

NATO will never defeat Russia in Ukraine, for the reason the Russians have put forward their back hand to Ukraine and all NATO has presented are fingers at Russia which are being chopped off.

Lame Cherry

Moscow Orders Troops To Prioritize Destroying
Ukraine’s Western-Supplied Long-Range Missiles

Ukes Destroy Another Russian Ammo Depot

Ukrainian Nationalists Put Children On
'Kill List' In Donbass

'Whoever Compares Putin To Hitler Must
Be Prepared For An All-Out War'

Attack On Crimea Will Ignite ‘Judgement Day’
Response, Says Russia’s Medvedev

Suffice it to state, Russia with the Schwab Great Reset and Dictator Biden's increasing oil prices are funding Russian munitions in Ukraine to the reality that Russia will not run out of weapons.

Lame Cherry

Russia never intended to deal with Ukraine in a week. Russia intended to bankrupt the West with Ukraine by depriving London and New York banking of the billions being laundered through Ukraine.

Lame Cherry

Sweden and Finland will soon comprehend it is cheaper to have Russia as an enemy than NATO as a friend.

Lame Cherry

Ukraine's greatest threat is the Jew Zellinskyy who is genociding Ukrainians in a holocaust, proven by his drafting child bearing girls to die in the Z War.

Lame Cherry

London Banking desires Slavs to die, or NATO would have opened up a new front in the south against Russia to relieve Ukraine.

Lame Cherry

Vladimir Putin has never lost a war. NATO has never won a war.

Lame Cherry

Nuff Said
