Sunday, July 24, 2022

Putin Still Looks Good For A Dead Man Winning Armageddon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The British propaganda press was leading the American presstitutes this spring in stating that Vladimir Putin was a dead man walking. He had everything from cancer to Parkinsons.

Mr. Putin was recently in Iran. He looks wonderfully well, as does the Turban head. Erdogan though of Turkey looked like a vampire sucked all his fluids out.

The comments came amid a trilateral summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The three nations fall on opposite sides of the Syrian conflict, with Moscow and Tehran supporting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and Turkey supporting Islamist terrorist groups in Syria's northern Idlib Province, including Hay'at Tahrir ash-Sham (HTS)*.

So the moral of this story is once again, the British lie and the American molotov mob lies. They can not be trusted with any information, whether it was Jan6 or AOC being arrested.

The Lame Cherry is delighted that Mr. Putin is healthy, and unlike Joe Biden does not have rubber mask stand ins portraying him. The reason the Lame Cherry is delighted is for two reasons, the first being that Mr. Putin is the greatest force for stability in stopping the world war which the NATO cartel is pushing, as China is too stupid to deal with this situation.

The second part being, I hope this blog is monitored by the Russian FSB, because Canada Five Eyes and American Homeland and whoever monitors this blog and fucks around with the wifi in trying to post. Why do I hope the Russians are monitoring me? Because there is an outside chance as with Mitchell Henderson and others who are honest analysts that the Russian military might be a bit more careful when Speznatz blows things up in America with nukes and when the Russian ICBM's toast things in America. It just may be that the Russians will say, "Comrade, we will need some normal Americans to deal with after the war who are not hiding in bunkers as China will contend with Russia over North America. Perhaps we should only blow things up around the Brier Patch with 20 megaton nuclear bombs and not 100 megaton nuclear bombs as we must think of the political future of America as we do not want to be simps like the Bush family blowing up Iraq and turning it into a place Americans are still fearful of treading".

Russia is going to have it's hands full after this war, with Europe, the Mideast and China. It will need Americans who would deal honestly with Russia as Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan conducted themselves. 

Oh, one more thing as you will not have figured this out any more than the Rainbow Warriors in Lloyd Austin and Anthony Blinken. Mr. Putin is in Iran, because he knows that the Jews want America to join in bombing Iran. Russia is goading the Jews to start this war.
Why? Yes the Pentagon wants a fight on the Russian flank and to deprive Russia of that bridgehead, but by Moscow luring Tel Aviv and DC into a fight with Iran, will deplete America and the Jews of their technology by attrition, as NATO attempted with Russia in Ukraine. Russia desires the Jews and Americans in be eaten by this quagmire, which will touch off real problems with China and in that Moscow might just get China and America into a shooting war which will shift the NATO problem to Centcom and the Pacific, away from Russia.

It is difficult for you to see these things, I realize this as you are the children of that flat brain Frank Roosevelt. Russia is playing chess as is Iran. Iran believes it can absorb the shock of Tel Aviv and the awe of DC and come back with her allies to win. They have faith in the Mahdi to appear and they are a large nation, difficult terrain and have Asia backing them.

Obama NATO lit the war in Ukraine for a cartel multi dimensional purpose in food and gas shortages and to deplete Russia. Russia is now igniting a war for America to be drawn into which as this blog stated, this is not going to be a 2 front American war, this will be 5 fronts and woke America without Christ will lose.

Oh one more thing in Putin Chess, Russia in league with Turkey, removes Turkey from NATO and protects the Russian European flank and allows for operational security in the Caspian in assisting Iran on the counter attack.

Russia wants a Jew War in Iran. That is the Russian response to Ukraine.

Putin Praises Record-High Trade Turnover
With Iran At Meeting With Raisi

Putin Thanks Erdogan For Grain Export

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

