Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Lost Tow Rope


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Maybe you are not like me, but I do not know any real criminals, but I kind of associate with the good people who know the criminals, as they mind their own business.

So this is a story of me being typical me in acting stupid and minding my own business and pretending I have no idea what is going on.

So I have to contract with my neighbors to get things done, as the people with money on the blog fail to donate to the work of God here. One of those things is putting up hay.

So in prayer I forced a prick to get my hay put up again in he cut it. I watch the weather and it looked like rain, and as he has too many damn irons in the fire, I see him blowing by our place one afternoon with his rake, and I think, 'Oh he is raking the cuttings on that place just west of us". You have to do things like that in the Brier as you deduce and reach conclusions about what is going on.

So TL is outside and tells me that the guy who feeds our cattle was bailing. That is kind of par of the coruse as the prick who jerks me around always has him doing things to get out of a jam and catch up.

This though is where my Brier radar went off.

So he has this relative of his, a sister's kid who has been moving onto a place he owns. I notice things like lots of nice things and I think, "This kid must be in the dough as nice things cost and he is like 30 years old or so and nice things cost".

Most nice things are on bank credit, but it is none of my business as I mind my own business and I do not want to be involved.

So the neighbor is bailing and nice things, with his kids burn through our yard. Nice things has 3 ATV/s and two dirt bikes. Like that is like 65,000 dollars in toys for a guy whose old lady left him, and he has lots of nice things.

So I just frown as I do not like people in our yard, except the neighbor.

Well we have a round two in this of through our yard and I figure they are counting bales.

Then there is another round where the neighbor tells TL on the road that, "I rolled the bale up wrong and I have to re bale it".

TL does not understand being from the metro, and I upon hearting this go Brier contemplative as this does not happen. I immediately deduce that something got rolled up on a bale and he wants it back and is not telling me.

Now if it was a chain or something that fell off the tractor, he could tell me and I would look for it. This is something he could have said, "Hey a chain got wrapped up in the bale and I want to switch it out," and I would have said, 'Switch away", and pretended I was ignorant as none of this is my business.

So today I get up and do chores and I hear these ATV's again. This time it is the neighbor and the kid. They are out in both fields, that means they are looking for something as they unrolled the bale and there is sits scattered. What they were looking for they could not find. That means there must be another bale they think it is in, and they can not be now telling me that one is rolled up wrong too, and if that is not there, they have to unroll more which looks odd.

So he did not have time to concoct a story for what is going on as he was trying to not have it cost him things.

So the bale is sitting there unrolled. They are waiting for us to go to town to do errands I suspect so they can do more snooping. 

I told TL, that I would have just waited until we went to town, pulled over a load of hay, unloaded it, and loaded up my bales and drove off and I would have probably not  suspsected anything. Now I do.

See I am not going to put here what I think is going on. Like it seems someone must have hid something in the baling wrap and did not tell the neighbor, as things got going fast with the rain coming. I am not going to say this is probably expensive in what was hidden, and that it is not cash as I could have been told, "Hey the operational funds dropped out and got into the bale so we need to get them back". This is somemthing that no explanation is going to explain away.

I don't like people in my yard, except the neighbor as I trust him. I am though amused at this fuck up, as I would hate it to be me in trying to get this shit figured out, as it is expensive and someone would be in a tight spot to replace that kind of expense and it might be owed to some people who do not get amused about things being lost.

The people in the brier patch do not miss anything. They are like Indians in noticing things and I know something is off and it is none of my business. I just have a mystery bale that appears to have had some treasure in it and this treasure would not be there if the cops are not helping themselves to the treasure, just like the other shit that goes on around the Brier that I know goes on.

With that, this kid is definitely someone I am not going to have anything to do with. I suspect that my neighbor is now in a spot in being displeased as the kid just burned the old house down and moved his trailer onto the place to live. Hard to get rid of squatters that are family with baggage. 

Still waiting as of today to see how the rats in the maze try to unroll their way out of this one. I will leave, study the tracks and the activity and see how they sorted through this while we are gone, or more to the point, see if they are still in consternation about what to do.

It is tough losing expensive tow ropes in a bale and not knowing which bale you lost it in.

Nuff Said
