Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Kayne With Love


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As all the Lame Cherry family knows, the Lame Cherry simply adores the Black Messiah of the Negroid Peoples in Kayne West. It has nothing to do with his claimed anti semite statements which were judged by Twitter not ban worthy, but it has everything to do with the Negro in the same salvation that Cornell West upheld the race in the era of Obama exclusion.

We now know that Mr. West is running for President again, apparently as a Republican like Herschel Walker and has asked Donald the deserter Trump to be his Vice President. To this Donald the deserter Trump started yelling as Mr. West.

In the video, Kanye said that he grilled Trump over not acting to legally protect his supporters who invaded the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. He also blamed the former president for insulting his wife Kim Kardashian. However, the insult itself was bleeped out in the clip.

Trump announced earlier this month that he’ll be running for office again in 2024, vowing to “make America great and glorious again.” West’s bid means that he will now become a rival to the former president.

The rapper made a run for the White House in 2020 as an independent candidate. However, he garnered only around 60,000 votes in the 12 states in which his name was on the ballot.

What Mr. West has inquired about is the supporters of Donald Trump whom he abandoned after Jan6, which was by design, and Mr. Trump needs to be reminded of his failings because this question is going to dog his campaign into 2024 AD in the year of our Lord. 
Dictator Biden can frame Donald Trump again for tax evasion as in Russiagate, and it will only make Trump into martyr. What Kayne West is engaged in, in actual issues is going to cripple the Trump 2024 campaign.
As a friend of this blog stated in their family circle, 'The consensus was why doesn't Donald Trump just shut the hell up!"

OK now that we have the acknowledged support for a true Black leader in America by the Lame Cherry as sanctioned by the Jewish censors of Twitter, as Elon Musk kept all of those minders employed while firing Indians and Transvestites, thee is something which all of you are not aware in this and you should be.

Do you know who tagged along with Kayne West to the Trump Mansion? How about this, do you you know who was posing with Kayne West at the start of all of this? I will provide you the two names. The first is the Alt Right operative Milo who was all queer and then renounced it and became Catholic or something. The second is another Alt right homosexual in Nick Fuentes who is beat up by the Alt Right hiding out in the McToker Minnesota enclave online.

Fuentes takes photos of sleeping male college  room mates with their legs spread.

This is the old Ann Coulter group of sodomites that got kicked out of CPAC, and then re manifested in the Alt Right and the Storm Front kicked them out as they knew they were all FBI and NSA operatives.

Are you seeing a trend here, in this group was government funded, protected and approved to link Trump to Nazism. Now this same group has gathered for another mission in being deployed to use Kayne West's right wing message to cripple the Trump 2024 AD in the year of our Lord campaign by slicing off the Trump Black vote.

You do remember that little breastless blonde, Kayleigh the Press Secretary for Trump was sent out to tell Donald Trump to stay out of Georgia in the Hersehel Walker campaign for Senate? Now you know who Kaleigh is woking for, and yes woke it is. If you did around in this and I keep moving the publish date back on that, you will find Michelle Malkin cuddled up withe these sodomites and perverts. You remember Michelle told us all to forget about Obama birth abstracts and focus on the Czars to stop Obama. It never worked as it never was intended, as Malkin was working as much as Mitch McConnell to make Obama Marxism as success.

Again, are you starting to see a pattern in this in who is woking for who and they are all part in part of this Trump WWE event going on 12 years.

That is why Kayne West matters. It is who is backing him and West has no idea of this anymore than when ideas were put into the heads of people that Paul Manafort with Ukraine creds should manage the Trump campaign once they got rid of Corey Lewandowski, and who then appeared but DIA Steve Bannon who covered up the information Andrew Breitbart was assassinated for.

Who set up the funding for the billionaire fags who money supplied Ann Coulter and other GOPliter campaigns? That was Karl Rove and bi sexual George W. Bush. NSA CIA all the way, right out of the woke DIA, and all coordinated with out of London MI6.

There is one man in this, who can out Trump's mouth, that is Kayne West. That is why he was recruited in appealing to his ego. I do not believe for a moment that Kayne West is aware of what is in his orbit and why, little more than Donald Trump ever conceived who was grooming and stalking him for years.

Kayne West has a horse backing him as Mosaad would say. It will fracture the Republican Party more just as Webster Griffin Tarpley was told it would by the cartel. Now that you have the Lame Cherry cheat sheet of what is going on behind the curtain, you will once again not be wandering around blindly about to fall into the abyss again.

All of this though, and Donald Trump did so much to promote sodomites which will promote the pedophile agenda, which even the right wing is waking up to after this blog warned of this over a decade ago.

Nuff Said
