Thursday, December 1, 2022

Scent of a Queen


No one is to leave England until the scent of their dead Queen
has done wafting through the stacks the next years plum pudding.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry is always willing to help those in need.

 Dear LC. . . Last time you convinced me getting bicycle was a bad idea lol . . figure if anyone could put off doing something like going on holiday to tenerife in December you could. . Where would you go if you could? 

Now I would have thought as PS did not have a bicycle that would keep him from pedaling to foreign locations. I figured it was foreign as I do know the place he was ridig his bike to. I first thought as my eyesight is sometimes blurred that he was going on holiday to his Testicles. Now most men keep them attached for joyful journeys, but I am not in England, and maybe they have some passport thing going on after Harry journeyed to Meghan's parts and the English are trying to keep their testicles like the Crown Jewels, but I had never heard of needing a passport to genitalia. Genitalia sounds like a place like Tenerife, kind of exotic and well to be honest, Tenerife does not sound like a nice place, sort of sounds like a cross between terrorism and knives. Be like going to the South Seas and those Boogies pirating all over them swordfish seas.

Once I did look up the place, and let me tell you, looking up places and things is not what you think. I looked up riding crops, and damn if all that came up was sex whips. Never expected that, and looking up Tenerife, I was expecting scrotums to show up.

Anyway for those who do not know, Tenerife is this place.

Largest, most populous Canary Island

Tenerife is the largest and most populous island of the Canary Islands. It is home to 43% of the total population of the ... read more

Now I never read it, past the 43%. So who knows what that 43% is populated with, but I will say this, that I would shy away from a place which is named after birds. I mean those little chirping canaries are unpleasant. It is why miners used them to check for gas in mines, as no one at PETA gave a damn about them birds being offed.
Really no use for them. Do you know how many canaries it takes to make a canary pie? I don't, but the English know that 24 blackbirds make a blackbird pie. Probably take 100 canaries to make a real pie and even with that, the world is full of canaries.
It might be a thing if they served up breast of canary. Probably take like 500 of them to make a real meal. That would probably lessen the population so there were not so many canaries bothering tourists.

I think these islands have some kind of melon too. I tried one, maybe it was a Casaba. Really sucked, but it probably sucked because those Spanish islands are a long way from the Brier Patch. All that distance probably does nothing any good. Look at them slaves in ships. Did not do them any  good or maybe it did, as they were quite robust in making professional athletes for rich Guild members.

OK, now for the real stuff of why no one would ever want to go to a bird island to be chirped at if you had England.

I mean look at this.

You can just shit in the street.

You can be a pervert and have your own audience at Scotland Yard.

They have the biggest freak of inbred peoples on the planet.

That they have to import other freaks, like these women who like being bought and sold and having their genitals cut off.

Then you have weather that gives normal people pneumonia. The medical establishment just kills people as policy.  The royals steal all you have in taxes and disarm you. It is a nation of fags and twits.

With all of that wonder and splendor why would anyone want to go anywhere when you had England. You have pussy Scots, Irish and Welch who would love to kill the English, so it is Africa without lions that will eat you. The English have like stolen or laundered most of the money in the world. Circus freak act people, criminals in person and not on television, a hundred ways to die, and you can shit in the street and star in your own porn movies. I tell you that the French and Americans have to pay for this stuff in Paris and Hollywood, but in England it is all free.

The rest of the world has to put up amusement parks or make fake entertainment for what the English have every day.

But if people want to get on their bikes and pedal off to hear birds chirp at them, I suppose that is still allowed in England, at least until Russia bombs them, but then those atomic bombs will be liberating really, as the English will be able to do all the things they historically took so much pleasure in, like killing wogs or eating things without any flavor.

You do know that they had to imprison people and ship them out to Australia just to get the English out there. Hell they were giving away Canada, and them English still would not leave to be rich. England is just a wonder that no one ever wants to leave.

If I could go one place on vacation, barring my testicles of course, it would be England.

I just can't say more than that.

