Friday, December 2, 2022

Fat and Ugly Should Be Enough

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So there is this thing child in town. TL thinks it is a girl. I thought maybe it was a girl, then maybe a boy, and it has tits or something, but is  fat so I don't know if this is fat guy tits or what, and whatever this it is, it is fat and ugly.

So  I took a poll today, there were like 20 genders on it. I did not know MASCULINE was a gender, which it is not, but there was all kinds of weird shit on that poll which makes no sense but to a mindfuckinng 1% er.

So I tried to be nice in conversing with this fat ugly when TL in conversation got the it to say it was in 4 H. It mentioned it had chickens, as I like chickens I asked the it what kind of chickens it had

It said, "I don't know".

OK this is a farm it. I found out the it's mother works in farm business so knows what the hell kinds of chickens they sell, but it has a new title now, fat, ugly and stupid.

Sorry had to go check the roof as all hell was breaking loose. Two cats not liking each other.

So when you are fat and ugly, you should not try for stupid, but this it has it all going on in being an it, then being fat, ugly and stupid.

It does not end there.

So fat and ugly can not make conversation with me, but a guy goes through the line who it does brighten up with and calls him by name. Guy looks like a serial murderer. No shit, he sinister looking, creepy, keeps his dead down and when it says hello to him, it kind of grunts and mumbles something at it like, "I'm the creepy guy who looks like a serial murderer, but I have standards, in I don't want some fat ugly it getting a crush on me, as you repulse me so much that even I could not kill you".

So if you are keeping score, you have fat, ugly, stupid, is an it, and apparently thinks serial murderer types are good friends.

So today, we have achieved the outer limits as I look up, the it is watching me by check out counter, and it has ORANGE HAIR, kind of skunk stripe orange hair, wide as it's head. Look I almost puke looking at this fat and ugly thing in the first place. It's personality is just puke repulsive too. I am trying to figure out this modern creation is, and now it has orange hair to draw even more attention to being fat, ugly, stupid, an it, a friend of serial murderer types and I really don't want to look at this airplane crash of a human life.

Look, I have fat ugly cousins. Hell I talk to fat and ugly people all the time, but in most cases there is at least something in there that is redeemable like my fat ugly cousin is fun to insult and the fat ugly waitress brings me food, so there is something there. With IT there is nothing there. There are really rules in life in all of this in if you are fat and ugly that is enough. If you try stupid, you get run over by a shopping cart or something or marry a Mexican who chains you to th bed. If you go into befriendly serial murderers, they chop you up and no one hears from you again, although you end up in the chili he or she serves at the 4th of July. 

It though is really bucking the odds as violating all those natural order rules, IT is now advertising which is a train wreck as there are so many jobs in government for freaks that can be created. There are so many jobs that you really have to not be stupid at as other fat and ugly genders don't like getting on planes and your directing them to fly into the grounds. See fat and ugly and don't want their plane to be flown into the ground is normal as even fat and ulgy people have limits too as they know they are already pushing the envelope. 

I'm really hoping this kid is a senior and not some 8th grader big as godzilla and I have to look at this thing for the next 4 years. I just can not count on a farm accident like it jumping into a runing combine to check if the thing is working or going out into a bull pen and being crushed as farming is dangerous, but you just can't count on combines or bulls to weed things out.

Worst of this is, is it is fat. We go into a famine and it is going to live for a long time on that suet load. It won't even starve to death. Best I could hope for is it drinking dirty shit water and getting cholera, but odd thing about diseases, they don't like infecting ugly people as virus have standards. Look at that vomit inducing Anthony Fauci, corona did not want any part of that ugly bastard.

It all seems unfair that normal people have to wait until these things die out as nothing will reproduce with them. That is nature dealing with situations in shunning when sperm and egg go wrong.

I just want grocery shopping to be non traumatic. No creepy old phy ed coaches lurking around the pretty girls, no Mexicans and no it finding new ways to be repulsive. I just know this freak has got something more to degrade to. Maybe I can hope it will try piercing it's head and use a nail gun and put a nail in the brain being that stupid and end it. Knowing it, the nail would probably bend over 100 times on that fat barrier and bone head, and I will get to look at spikes coming out of it's skull and the other moron girls all thinking how cool it looks.

That much metal though on the head might induce lightning strikes and that might natural select this it out of the gene pool.

There use to be a cure for all this Mad Max shit. Parents used to slap the kid when they looked like a freak. Parents would wind up and smack the kid and say, "What are you a Goddamn freak. Go comb your hair and go pitch some shit to get that fat worked off". Grandparents supported all of this in slapping the kid and saying. "What are you a Goddamn freak? Go pulls some weeds in the garden as it is 100 degrees outside and that will be good for you".

When some kid dared call the cops, the cops said, "Don't call me again you Goddamn freak as pitching shit and pulling weeds should teach you to not be a Goddamn freak".

That is about all I have to say on this subject as this is going to be bothering me and maybe the world will meltdown so I have to limit going to town when it is in school and not there to eyesore me. 

Fat and ugly should be enough and is enough for normal people.

Nuff Said
