Friday, December 2, 2022

Tea Tree Oil Warning


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In shopping for Tea Tree Oil, I had a problem at Walmart and think I figured out why in the fake product appears to have disappeared under the label Natures Star, which is what I ordered previously.

There are cheap ass products now under a green label, in several forms which read THERAPEUTIC. People are leaving feedback in the contents were altered. I could not find the description as it is being taken down, but there was a main ingredient which was not Tea Tree.

The label should read MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA, that is tea tree oil. That should be the only contents in the bottle. I suspect the Goddamned Chinamen shipped out a cut batch, which was labeled correctly, but the stuff in it was not for human use as in breathing it in, just for skin, and then who knows what that shit was.

Anyway the company was gone when I tried to locate the website. My original bottle was brown and not green. I do see if you shop around, that there are tea tree oil bottles labeled correctly, appearing again, so this is something that appears to being hushed up to stop lawsuits.

I am not vouching for NOW, just using the label as a guide to the contents. Tea Tree is now expensive, but it is a product that has worked for me in various situations.

Below is the label without the description of the multi content ingredients.

Nuff Said
