Saturday, December 3, 2022

People want to forget the ugly of Liz Cheney

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 In brief, Liz Cheney appears to be unhinged.  Instead of demonstrating that there is something wrong with Donald Trump she has unwittingly demonstrated that there is something wrong with Liz Cheney. 

The Lame Cherry assesses the future of Liz Cheney, and that assessment were the comments from a number of unasked women. It surprised me the number of educated women who blurted out to me that "at least Liz Cheney lost in Wyoming".

Women are a catty bunch. The nit pick on each other as threats. Pro Pedo Kristi Noem of South Dakota does not approach the numbers of her male Republicans by under 15%, simply because women will not vote for her.

There is a deep loathing for Liz Cheney. This loathing in women is so deep that it is even coming from women who laughed at Trump as a joke. No one thinking they can run for President, can achieve that office in having alienated the women in your political party.

Liberal women are not going to vote for Liz Cheney. Liberal males are not going to vote for Liz Cheney. That leaves a major faction of the American Right and Center for Liz Cheney to appeal to, but that is where her problem is, women on the Right are not going to vote for her because she is joined with Pelosi to get Republicans and Center women do not like vindictive women.

There simply are not enough self  righteous faggy males in the Republican party to provide any base for Liz Cheney. She is the Jeb Bush of politicians. The John Thune type of suit wearing, self righteous, holier than thou penis wearers are not the Republican Party.

I would love to share a private Twitter of one of these GOPliters who was going off on Noem, Trump and more to the point, getting a hard on for Liz Cheney over Jan6, but this fool is digging himself into a job termination as I think he is vax brain. Vax brain does not get you a majority to elect you to office either. The reason for the share is to show what kind of fuck heads are still clinging to Liz Cheney, but it is not that fat ugly frumper, but their hatred of attractive women in power and of Donald Trump.

Disgusting people like William Kristol do not make a political future. That is where you go when you want to remember your glory days. I had hoped that Dick Cheney was more of a man than John the hero McCain who sent out his fat daughter Meghan to savage Trump at the hero's funeral. Darth Dick though was so thin skinned by Trump's castigation that "his daughter who should be president" (just as Jeb was to be president of Bushism), that Dick Cheney destroyed not only himself, but Liz Cheney's legacy.

Bush family took the defeat of Jeb as a fact as Jeb is a loser. They plotted though with the Obama's behind the scenes and are effective using the American police state. Dick Cheney though for all his intelligence, for some reason told his daughter to not vote to impeach as she did not have enough cover. Then she doubled down on this ridiculous Jan6 committee, then she had Daddy go out in the Wyoming primaries and finish off any hope of the Cheney's ever having a political legacy ever again.

Face the facts, no one likes saggy old bitches. That is Hillary Clinton's political albatross. That is Liz Cheney's albatross. She has no future in America, other than stolen fraud elections or political appointments after she gets rewarded millions of dollars in these conglomerate dictatorships which are erasing Americans.

No matter what Liz Cheney stood for which was sound, all she is ever going to be remembered for is stabbing her party voters in the back and being Trump Deranged. Every time she opens her mouth she sound deranged. You can not win political office in creepy little jack off pervs spraying cum on their smart phones looking at pictures of this ghastly looking woman.

When America does look to political women on the Right, it is not going to be these has beens as their time has passed and that includes numbers of attractive Republicans in Sarah Palin, Jamie Buetler who are now political hags. I will add that the fraud Kristi Noem is of this group as she does not have the political numbers, even as a cartel girl. She will pass from the political stage and no one will remember her, just as people want to forget Liz Cheney.

8 days ago ... A conservative cancel culture as unforgiving as its progressive rival is sweeping over the Wyoming G.O.P..

The CIA Mockingbird of the New York Times has told the tale of the cartel. The Neocon era is gone with the dinosaurs, what is the future are these National Socialists in the GOPliters, just as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated was being carried out.
Liz Cheney, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney are the GOP, a fringe party as obscure as the Greens and the Whigs.

Nuff Said
