Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Corn Flakes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Look I know you people are stupid. I'm not going to get into that right now as I do not have the time nor do you.

First thing is, you have not prepared to feed yourselves so the next part is useless information, but it is useful to those who are not stupid.

While you were living  a life of luxury, the poor orphan girls was learning by God's Inspiration. I read things, lots of things and the Holy Ghost points things out to me when something historically strange takes place.

I have grown Bantam Sweet Corn for years. I never could figure out why it was called Bantam, well I never thought about it, as the corn was 6 inches so that made sense.......until it rained one last summer in the Brier Patch, and then I got like 14 inch long ears of sweet corn.
Nothing little chicken in that as that is what a Bantam is.

If you water open pollinated Bantam corn, or live in Eden, the corn stalks are like 9 feet tall and the ears are huge. Amazing stuff really.

Corn unless in ideal conditions does not last that long when shelled off the cobb. So therefore you KEEP IT ON THE COBB when you harvest it,  just like the olde time artwork showed the husked corn all hanging up. When you do not have a store to get seed have to keep your seed viable for years. For stupid people that means you do not shell your corn.
Stupid people though will not have open pollinated corn, just that GMO super sugar shit that is all mule in it will not breed. That is what stupid people do, live in luxury, let others suffer, but then when the shit hits the fan the sufferers have the corn and the rich people have things not worth shit.

I think in desperate times I would rather have sweet corn, as it is eaten fresh, you can dry it, you can reboil it, you can grind it, you can just have some kind of food that has more energy in it, and as corn crosses, I would rather have the White American's breeding corn than what Tonto had in most cases, even if I have Tonto's corn too.........on the cob so I can rotate that in and out in planting it. Tonto corn is not that great though.
Reminds me in I have to plant White Tonto next year as am waiting to see if Nigger Blue Tonto is going to sprout after hanging on the wall as decorations for years.  Blackfeet Indian stuff from Montana, little blue ear sweet corn.....will see as I'm not stupid.

I doubt any of you reading this has open pollinated corn growing near your 100 miles from your location. Is not comfort in knowing you live around people just as stupid as you.

Nuff Said

