Friday, February 24, 2023

140 Characters


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will be forthright in stating that I did not read the above article nor click on it. It puzzled me in how two Germans, whether Assyrian or Israelite, were the definition of what the West is, seeing how the West of London has been moving to kill off the French, Italians, Russians and Germans since the accident of the Defeat of the Spanish Armada.

For an American, the West is just that but it must be understood as something more. America was founded by a coastal migrant group of Dutch, not Deutsch, but Amsterdam Dutch and English Puritans. What followed in this was the Deutsch of Pennsylvania who were pacifists and a horde of English entitlement, who if you bother to read real history, traded in White Slavery out of London, and their merchants were the guild exchangers.

 The government of England virtually emptied its prisons, transporting most of its convicts, both men and women, to America to be sold to plantation owners and other industrialists, and brothels were forcibly emptied to provide unwilling human breeding stock for American slave-owners.

The historical record tells us that “American slave-owners quickly began breeding the white women for both their own personal pleasure and for greater profit”, but this expression denies a brutal truth. The white women, especially the Irish, were simply stripped naked and repeatedly raped until they were pregnant, then kept in that condition.

The "West" which was English dominated rid itself of Irish, Scot, Welsh and poor people as slaves to the New World. President Theodore Roosevelt in the fine history he composed in Wining of the West, which is quoted here often, makes that distinction between coastal patrician Americans, and those Americans who spilled out over the eastern mountains to the interior forests, led by Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. If you are looking for American Identity, this is who America is. The Irish Protestant in the wilds were America, spreading on an east to west line. Joined into this would be the Protestant Germans or Lutherans, to provide the essential "Christmas" which we all know as a national heritage.

America is German Irish in breeding. The Germans produced the work ethic and the Irish produced the untamed souls.

Once the Civil War was ended, a new phase began as the Southerners who survived, moved to the plains and in this, Texas and began an infusion of Southern identity into that area east of the Rockies and into Canada by the cattle herds and Texas cowboys moving north.

The knitting up of the West was settled in the Illinois, Iowa and Missouri settles moving to Washington, Oregon and California. California's identity was Spanish Caucasian until 1849 when gold was discovered, then that way of life became again, this hardworking, industrious and free spirited American.

Francis Scott Key, Washington Irving, John Philips Sousa, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, are the West to America in artists as much as the capitalists in Andrew Carnegie to John Rockefeller who would production line America with Henry Ford, in thee American Deal of mass sales at small profit, produce huge fortunes.

America was founded in Martin Luther and John Calvin. That was the moral direction for peace and prosperity which governed the souls who were unleashed to exploit everything without regulation. As Theodore Roosevelt explained, "The Ohio Valley could have been funded by the entire US Treasury, bankrupted America and Ohio would still be a wilderness. America instead gave the people the wilderness and told them to make a profit any way they desired and state by state, that is how America became this industrious people of self governance.

America has had removed it's identity markers deliberately in works by Irving Berlin an John Wayne. It was the myth of Ronald Reagan's Shining City on a Hill, of prosperity joined to generosity in Biblical form.

The America of the West has no more identity with William the Conqueror that Norman who began by exterminating the English and their children are still the pompous patricians of the coastal America, producing genocide of peoples for control and profit, than Americans have with the devil itself.

While it is true that America has been hijacked to have these brain rape media and entertainment befuddle children's minds, as they suckle their smart phone mummies, the great German principles while they are esteemed and can be learned from, are no more the West than Shakespeare.

America has it's own identity which is being denied. We are a Joseph people, a son of Jacob in the Bible, half brother to Ephraim which resides in England, but we have nothing in common with Ephraim, for Americans were always beyond the Jordan River with the Gothic Swede Vikings and those Northern French. We have always been a robust group of dynamic peoples joined for an over the horizon adventure.

These children of White slave breeding in Not Cardi B, Kanye, Rihanna, are a product of America, but not the defining voice of America, which draws from the Irish and German. It does not matter if these founders are erased, because the best of Kayne West is his Irish adventure and his German morality which he embraced in all of his success.

The successful put off their slavery in America. Germans put off the Roman slavery as the Irish put off the English slavery and the Negro put off their Ashkenaz dealt slavery in the new world, in those who succeed.

As a writer of the best blog in the world and the greatest, I'm personally disappointed in how this mind rape has ended the appreciation of the written word. I'm a blessed natural at writing and expression for God's design, but the majority of people in this world under age 40 do not read and are functional at only 140 characters. I love written words as they are poetry and music. The only equal to them is the gifted speaker or bard who can make words come alive in touching the soul. There simply is nothing there anymore in the majority of people under age 40 to  touch. Most are in the bondage of these aboriginal sounds. The mental masturbation of a smart phone is the replacement of the fear of intimacy in not knowing how to talk to another person. Thee allure of these jungle jabberings and this has nothing of racism in that term, as the same vine swings whether it is the mindless trolls of China to the undazzling Whiteness of Canada, is the fractured souls are hearing a sound that reminds them of themselves.

There is a reason John Philips Sousa created the sounds he did as much as Robert Frost.

I was watching recently an old Gunsmoke episode, in which the town drunk, Louie Pheeter, was deliberately given the opportunity to be a bard when a Judge leading his lynch mob out of Missouri and hunting down escapees in Kansas who wanted to not be found, expressed thee most Shakespearean of beautiful words for effect. It was deliberate and I appreciated it immensely, in that scene of power, abuse and absolute law, the town drunk was the most beautiful object then in all of Dodge City Kansas.

That is the West. The Great American Desert. The Mayflower on the plains. The lonely expanses so big that drones tracking Americans can not fill all the skies.

Festus, I've been thinking about it.

Thinking about what, Louie?

The real coincidence, you being alone here in town tonight,Judge Proctor and his boys riding in.
Maybe it's you that's on that list the judge carries.

Maybe you've been on the wrong side, and the judge knowing the town's empty, and you being here...
