Friday, February 24, 2023

With His Pants Down


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is not often that you catch William Shatner with his pants down, but  I was watching Gunsmoke and that pretty France Nuyen was playing an Osage squaw. I was watching her and I smiled when I saw this French gal kick the Appaloosa she was on in the ribs to get it to move. A woman only pulls that on set if she is sure about a horse. This horse has appeared almost as often as that poof tailed Jersey milk cow they keep renting out with them chicken flock.

Most people know France Nuyen from her Star Trek appearance, but it was in 1958 that Shatner and her, teamed up in the state production of The World of Suzie Wong. William Holden who I detest starred in a movie about it, and he probably soiled he poor girl as he soiled anything female he was around and ruined their lives.

France took up the medical mind profession and dyed her hair blonde. Near as I can figure she was the offspring of a French colonial out of Vietnam and was born in France.

It is amazing how all of this is interwoven. France actually beat Shatner as a guest star on Gunsmoke. There were quite a few people who starred on Gunsmoke that ended up on Star Trek. In fact the starring cast of Spock and Bones were both on Star Trek before Shatner.

Such lovely actors that worked so well together.

Nuff Said
