Saturday, February 25, 2023


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the genocide of Americans, the fact is (I posted on this for a future date about this "material" which affected me in the Brier yesterday, we now have a chem spray overload in West Virginia which was witnessed by thousands of people and had FEMA putting out alerts.

This widespread chem spraying is what is causing these bizarre patterns. In the storm pattern, this is a west to east jet stream. There is not any way that this should be producing snow into Canada and rain into Mississippi. Storms are not Continental in size. This is weather warfare and it is directed against Americans, all Americans, not just the hinterlands when you sat on your asses and did not care that the Brier was getting pounded.

This chem spray as I will detail, does make me ill. There are specific symptoms and I get to go out again today for an 8 mile walk in this shit, because you rich people sit on your luxury and I get to try and survive. That is my day in 5 degree weather and the wind picking up from the West in another HAARP overload. Now this shit is falling on you, so let us see how much your money saves you in having no place to move to.

Oh and I do understand now why God is permitting this.

Nuff Said
