Tuesday, February 21, 2023

By the Skin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was so very pleased that Anne shared this note that the topical fungicide we have put into our medical supplies helped her.

Dear LC, I used the hoof rot stuff you spoke about and it cleared up a skin I've had for years, so thank you! Anne

I did look this stuff up and it is numerous treatments and salves for humans. It simply is a reality that we have been "bacteria" brainwashed, when numbers of things which are affecting us is something to do with fungus, that would include moles, one of which painfully removed itself with a bit of bleeding and applications of this stuff. I would prefer Apple Cider Vinegar, but as it was near an area I was treating, the mole came off.

I suffer from what I term are fever pimples. They seem more like that vax fake clots that people are pulling out. They hurt, when pulled are jelly like and attach to nerves. I had one on my check that was a small lump for years and then it started to slough off. It responded to coconut oil and other fungals, but the main source did not go away. It does not help that I drool when sleeping on my right side, and the saliva irritates the skin here.
I have been using this though, and it has remedied the expanding spots and am back to the original which if the weather ever warms I do plan on carving on it to be rid of this thing as the creature disappeared with being pinched off and that is what I want.

Thank you to Anne for sharing her experience. No doctors here, just people trying things that have worked.

This has not worked on what I would call age spots or rough skin. Different animal really, as that thing on my cheek is Candida related. I often ponder if baking soda would change the PH in things on the skin surface.

Nuff Said
