Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A More Peaceful and Deserving People


But he said that deal would lack what he called "fundamental agreements on real borders" and not amount to an over-arching European security pact, making it vital for Russia to extend its own borders now.

"That is why it is so important to achieve all the goals of the special military operation. To push back the borders that threaten our country as far as possible, even if they are the borders of Poland," said Medvedev.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you study the map below, before the British and their American lackey of Woodie Wilson started Balkanizing Europe to fragment it in order to dominate it, you see there were only three peoples in eastern Europe, the Germans, the Hapsburgs and the Russians. The lesser peoples were the Romanians, Serbians, Bulgarians, Italians and Greeks. France and Spain inhabited the west and Sweden the north.

More to the point, Ukraine did not exist, Poland did not exist. So when Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalen took back their property in what was created Poland, a ghetto which the British used to exploit intrigue against Russia and Germany, they were only annexing what was their lands.

The Lame Cherry rails on this holocaust and genocide of the Prussian people. Study below, you can see that Prussia was as immense as anything England or American. It was an immense power and dynamic people. Frederick their Great leader, once made all of Europe shake. He was the greatest military strategist Europe ever produced.

Prussia for hundreds of years was Europe as much as Russia was Europe. So when President Dmitry Medvedev states that Russian security depends on pushing back the Polish borders, he is speaking of the reality that Poland should be made to return the lands stolen from Russia in British intrigue.

All of you have heard of Pomeranian dogs, well there was a Pomerania and a Pomeranian People. No one talks about their holocaust, no more than the Prussians, Bohemians, Dalmatians and hosts of other people who had their lands stolen from them as Europe like the Mideast was carved up for the select while the many lost their nations and sovereignty.

I have no idea what Russia's plans are now for the future. I do say that in this world, Colonel Colt made all men equal with his pistol and in August of 1945, all nations were made equal by the atomic bomb. The United States needs to get out of Europe and NATO. It is nothing but a welfare state paid with American blood. If the peoples of Europe who border Russia want their pissy little lands, then let them fight for it. Let them have the great equalizer in atomic bombs. If Russia want to take over other nations and change their borders, then let them fight for it with nuclear bombs. It will be fair.

Ukraine though is a different issue as that is Russia. Poland is another misnomer. The Lame Cherry has more compassion for Poles than Poles had for Prussians and other peoples. It should be that a smaller portion of land could be set aside that of course England would pay for, for the Poles, while the Russians and the Prussian took possession of their lands.

There has been too much of this "Who made Lisbon, Rome, Madrid, Paris, London and DC Lord God to divide up the world?" This bunch has been dividing this planet up for centuries and people who never heard of them have changed hands. These metro dictatorships have caused nothing but wars and have caused nothing but trouble for innocent people. It is time the people who were not allowed a seat at the table, take their seats.

Russia and Germany should naturally border each other. It is historical and as the Lame Cherry has stated, once people get their lands back, then those metro dictatorship creations of states, if they do not want to fight with nuclear weapons for those lands, then let them be absorbed to a greater and more peaceful people like Germans and Russians.

I am Prussian. Let my People go!

Nuff Said

