Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Different MK than Martin Luther King

Hitler taught us the Roman order in how to rule the wogs by.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the drafts of this Lame Cherry, the following has been sitting here for years. TL researched the quotes and posted them for me to look through. 2023 AD looked like a lifetime ahead when this was done, and as I was moving into living in the future, I was puzzled why the March 1  date was being enveloped by exclusives I was posting. Then it dawned on me, that the quotes from Mein Kampf were for this year.

Mein Kampf is one of the most astute political books ever written. That is why you are not supposed to read it, as Hitler was a political animal and he knew politics by instinct.

Best MK Quotes

translated by Ralph Manheim, copyright 1943 by Houghton Mifflin Co. (1925, 1927 by verlag frz. eher hachf., gmbh)

Reasons for why Germany lost WW1, bad foreign policy, bad military training, etc - p.269-283

"All who are not of good race in this world are chaff." -p.296

In the below quote in reading it, I ........you can find it recorded in history that the guild members of the Rothschilds made it a point to marry into European royal families to have an in. Jared Kushner nailed Ivanka Trump as British Chinese intelligence told Ivanka that Jared was a catch and she should convert.

Who is behind calling the invaders to Europe and America undocumented migrants?  I am not going to get caught up in this in a debate, you are an adult, read the quotes and realize that Adolf Hitler recognized what was taking place in Germany to end Germans as a people and the method is a success.

Jews and their methods of destroying nations-- p.300-329

"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master." -p.325

One can visit Obama Black Liberation, January 6th, the liberalization of America to Europe, and note the success of the forces at work in forming the Great Reset.

"In the organized mass of Marxism he has found the weapon which lets him dispense with democracy and in its stead allows him to subjugate and govern the peoples with a dictatorial and brutal fist.

He works systematically for revolutionization in a twofold sense: economic and political.

Around peoples who offer too violent a resistance to attack from within he weaves a net of enemies, thanks to his international influence, incites them to war, and finally, if necessary, plants the flag of revolution on the very battlefields.

In the political field he refuses the state the means for its self-preservation, destroys the foundations of all national self-maintenance and defense, destroys faith in the leadership, scoffs at its history and past, and drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.

Culturally he contaminates art, literature, the theater, makes a mockery of natural feeling, overthrows all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drags men down into the sphere of his own base nature.

Religion is ridiculed, ethics and morality represented as out-moded, until the last props of a nation in its struggle for existence in this world have fallen.

In reading the below quotes, my first thought was the guild member, President Zellinskyy of Ukraine, completing the holocaust of the Slavs there an bitching out Americans who can not pay their bills, that billions for the Guild War in Ukraine is not enough.

Now begins the great last revolution. In gaining political power the Jew casts off the few cloaks that he still wears. The democratic people's Jew becomes the blood-Jew and tyrant over peoples. In a few years he tries to exterminate the national intelligentsia and by robbing the peoples of their natural intellectual leadership makes them ripe for the slave's lot of permanent subjugation.

The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people." -p.325-326

In this Hitler recognizes that like now in America and Europe, the people are yearning for something to unite behind. Of course those who created this yearning, have their own installed leaders to control their mob. 

"By 'us' I mean all the hundreds of thousands who fundamentally long for the same thing without as individuals finding the words to describe outwardly what they inwardly visualize; for the noteworthy fact about all reforms is that at first they possess but a single champion yet many million supporters. Their aim has often been for centuries the inner longing of hundreds of thousands, until one man stands up to proclaim such a general will, and as a standard-bearer guides the old longing to victory in the form of the new idea.

The fact that millions bear in their hearts the desire for a basic change in the conditions obtaining today proves the deep discontent under which they suffer. It expresses itself in thousandfold manifestations, with one in despair and hopelessness, with another in ill will, anger, and indignation; with this man in indifference, and with that man in furious excesses. As witnesses to this inner dissatisfaction we may consider those who are weary of elections as well as the many who tend to the most fanatical extreme of the Left." -p.330-331

"If today more than ever our Left politicians are at pains to point out the lack of arms as the necessary cause of their spineless, compliant, actually treasonous policy, we must answer only one thing: no, the reverse is true. Through your anti-national, criminal policy of abandoning national interests, you surrendered our arms, Now you attempt to represent the lack of arms as the underlying cause of your miserable villainy. This, like everything you do, is lies and falsification.

But this reproach applies just as much to the politicians on the Right. For, thanks to their miserable cowardice, the Jewish rabble that had come to power was able in 1918 to steal the nation's arms. They, too, have consequently no ground and no right to palm off our present lack of arms as the compelling ground for their wily caution (read 'cowardice'); on the contrary, our defenselessness is the consequence of their cowardice." -p.332

In these quotes Hitler understands that what is necessary is a personality cult. Obama was such a figure, Queen Elizabeth. Tel Aviv made a historical theater how their leadership was superior to all others. 

"The movement must promote respect for personality by all means; it must never forget that in personal worth lies the worth of everything human; that every idea and every achievement is the result of one man's creative force and that the admiration of greatness constitutes, not only a tribute of thanks to the latter, but casts a unifying bond around the grateful.

Personality cannot be replaced; especially when it embodies not the mechanical but the cultural and creative element. No more than a famous master can be replaced and another take over the completion of the half-finished painting he has left behind can the great poet and thinker, the great statesman and the great soldier, be replaced. For their activity lies always in the province of art. It is not mechanically trained, but inborn by God's grace.

The greatest revolutionary changes and achievements of this earth, its greatest cultural accomplishments, the immortal deeds in the field of statesmanship, etc., are forever inseparably bound up with a name and are represented by it. To renounce doing homage to a great spirit means the loss of an immense strength which emanates from the names of all great men and women.

The Jew knows this best of all. He, whose great men are only great in the destruction of humanity and its culture, makes sure that they are idolatrously admired. He attempts only to represent the admiration of the nations for their own spirits as unworthy and brands it as a 'personality cult.'

This historical repetition is what history is. Break the population mass, and then appoint a despot to rule and assemble it on a new order.

As soon as a people becomes so cowardly that it succumbs to this Jewish arrogance and effrontery, it renounces the mightiest power that it possesses; for this is based, not on respect for the masses, but on the veneration of genius and on uplift and enlightenment by his example.

When human hearts break and human souls despair, then from the twilight of the past the great conquerors of distress and care, of disgrace and misery, of spiritual slavery and physical compulsion, look down on them and hold out their eternal hands to the despairing mortals!

In this series of quotes, the reader can overlay January 6th, in rioters on the left were peaceful protesters and ignorant MAGA followers were insurrectionists framed by their own police state. To stand for rights is domestic terrorism when it comes to political repression.

Woe to the people that is ashamed to take them!" -p.352-353

"Most loathsome to the Marxist deceivers of the people was inevitably a movement whose explicit aim was the winning of those masses which had hitherto stood exclusively in the service of the international Marxist Jewish stock exchange parties. The very name of 'German Workers' Party' had the effect of goading them. Thus one could easily imagine that on the first suitable occasion the conflict would begin with the Marxist inciters who were then still drunk with victory." -p.357

"I shall not even speak of the unworldliness of these folkish Saint Johns of the twentieth century or their ignorance of the popular soul. It is sufficiently illustrated by the ridicule with which they are treated by the Left, which lets them talk and laughs at them.

Anyone in this world who does not succeed in being hated by his adversaries does not seem to me to be worth much as a friend. And thus the friendship of these people for our young movement was not only worthless, but solely and always harmful, and it was also the main reason why, first of all, we chose the name of 'party'-- we had grounds for hoping that by this alone a whole swarm of these folkish sleepwalkers would be frightened away from us-- and why in the second place we termed ourselves National Socialist German Workers' Party.

The first expression kept away the antiquity enthusiasts, the big-mouths and superficial proverb-makers of the so-called 'folkish idea,' and the second freed us from the entire host of knights of the 'spiritual sword,' all the poor wretches who wield the 'spiritual weapon' as a protecting shield to hide their actual cowardice.

It goes without saying that in the following period we were attacked hardest especially by these last, not actively, of course, but only with the pen, just as you would expect from such folkish goose-quills. For them our principle, 'Against those who attack us with force we will defend ourselves with force,' had something terrifying about it. They persistently reproached us, not only with brutal worship of the blackjack, but with lack of spirit as such. The fact that in a public meeting a Demosthenes can be brought to silence if only fifty idiots, supported by their voices and their fists, refuse to let him speak, makes no impression whatever on such a quack. His inborn cowardie never lets him get into such danger. For he does not work 'noisily' and 'obtrusively', but in 'silence'." -p.363

In this Hitler is interesting as yes the Marxists in America and Europe were all about democracy until they took control. Of the same leftism though Adolf Hitler, a Nazi or National Socialist, never was one as he was Apolitical, meaning Hitler saw in socialism a movement he could arise to the leadership of and then move to leverage the German nation to gain control. In this Hitler never espoused democracy and threw it off, he always was wed to the principle of a strong man in power, driving forward a people.

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extermination. If today they came to the conviction that from the witches' cauldron of our parliamentary democracy a majority could be brewed, which-- and even if only on the basis of its legislating majority-- would seriously attack Marxism, the parliamentary jugglery would come to an end at once. The banner-bearers of the Red International would then, instead of addressing an appeal to the democratic conscience, emit a fiery call to the proletarian masses, and their struggle at one stroke would be removed from the stuffy air of our parliamentary meeting halls to the factories and the streets. Democracy would be done for immediately; what the mental dexterity of those people's apostles in the parliaments had failed to do, the crowbar and sledgehammer of incited proletarian masses would instantly succeed in doing, as in the fall of 1918: they would drive it home to the bourgeois world how insane it is to imagine that they can oppose Jewish world domination with the methods of Western democracy.

Mein Kampf is a literal blueprint in how to take over nations by their own prejudices and bias. Frank Roosevelt appealed to patriotism to unleash his global agenda as much as the Japanese adhered to being the superior pure ethnic race. For Hitler, using as the CIA installed their people in every venue of ideology, was that one used that venue, but once it was used, to suppress it by making the regime the doctrine of that that belief was.

As I have said, it requires a credulous mind to bine oneself, in facing such a player, by rules which for him are only good for bluff or his own profit, and are thrown overboard as soon as they cease to be to his advantage." -p.376-377

"Our present political world view, current in Germany, is based in general on the idea that creative, culture-creating force must indeed be attributed to the state, but that it has nothing to do with racial considerations, but is rather a product of economic necessities, or, at best, the natural result of a political urge for power. This underlying view, if logically developed, leads not only to a mistaken conception of basic racial forces, but also to an underestimation of the individual. For a denial of the difference between the various races with regard to their general culture-creating forces must necessarily extend this greatest of all errors to the judgment of the individual. The assumption of the equality of the races then becomes a basis for a similar way of viewing peoples and finally indiviual men. And hence international Marxism itself is only the transference, by the Jew, Karl Marx, of a philosophical attitude and conception, which had actually long been in existence, into the form of a definite political creed. Without the subsoil of such generally existing poisoning, the amazing success of thie doctrine would never have been possible. Actually Karl Marx was only the one among millions who, with the sure eye of the prophet, recognized in the morass of a slowly decomposing world the most essential poisons, extracted them, and, like a wizard, prepared them into a concentrated solution for the swifter annihilation of the independent existence of free nations on this earth. And all this in the service of his race." -p.382

"His Marxist doctrine is a brief spiritual extract of the philosophy of life that is generally current today. And for this reason alone any struggle of our so-called bourgeous world against it is impossible, absurd in fact, since this bourgeois world is also essentially infected by these poisons, and worships a view of life which in general is distinguished from the Marxists only by degrees and personalities. The bourgeois world is Marxist, but believes in the possibility of the rule of certain groups of men (bourgeoisie), while Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews." -p.382

"Not until the international world view-- politically led by organized Marxism-- is confronted by a folkish world view, organized and led with equal unity, will success, supposeing the fighting energy to be equal on both sides, fall to the side of eternal truth.

A philosophy can only be organizationally comprehended on the basis of a definite formulation of that philosophy, and what dogmas reresent for religious faith, party principles are for a political party in the making.

Hence an instrument must be created for the folkish world view which enables it to fight, just as the Marxist party organization creates a free path for internationalism.

After all the propaganda for years that the "right" was a Nazi movement, the Lame Cherry astutely began educating the masses and now that fabrication has been challenged and mostly has ceased. Marxism or Communism is a leftist idea. Just as Nazism in a National Socialism is a leftist idea. This is what Adolf Hitler was warring against. He had reams of Jews serving in his regime. When he says "Jew" he is speaking of communists as Jews as in most fields dominated the leadership. It was two leftist systems which were at war in Hitler's era, in the communists of Russia and England, the International socialists of Frank Roosevelt and the National Socialists of Germany. All were leftist, none were democratic, in all suppressed the mob as the Darwin Japanese and the absolutists of England did.

Hitler's ideology was German in base, as were the English and Japanese in their races. The rest were internationalists where race or national jingoism was replaced with being a follower of a cult of identity, whether in Berlin, Moscow or Washington DC.


This is the goal pursued by the National Socialist German Workers' Party." -p.384

"Those very people who never weary of emphasizing that the folkish philosophy is not the 'hereditary estate' of an individual, but that it slumbers or 'lives' in the hearts of God knows how many milions, thus demonstrate the fact that the general existence of such ideas was absolutely unable to prevent the victory of the hostile world view, classically represented by a political party. If this were not so, the German people by this time would have been bound to achieve a gigantic victory and not be standing at the edge of an abyss. What gave the international world view success was its representation by a political party organized into storm troops; what caused the defeat of the opposite world view was its lack up to now of a unified body to represent it. Not by unlimited freedom to interpret a general view, but only in the limited and hence integrating form of a political organization can a world view fight and conquer." -p.385

Hitler in the following actually denounces Klaus Schwab who is no more German than Dr. Henry Kissinger. In America the fiction, promoted by the "Gives us your poor........communist radicals out of Europe" that America never was a melting pot. The White Israelite America is no more an African American, no more than an African American is a Latin American.
The reality is the guild occupies in all nations, and controls most. The guild though is always as Richard Nixon lamented, the guild first and American second.
Klaus Schwab has the same disdain for Germans as he has for all peoples, as this nationalism is what they detest, and removing it, they create a creature without borders and a creature without identity.

Calls himself the "young prophet of a new world view" on p.386

"In the last hundred years it has been a true misery to observe how these circles, sometimes in the best good faith, played with the word 'Germanize.' I myself still remember how in my youth this very term led to incredibly false conceptions. Even in Pan-German circles the opinion could then be heard that the Austrian-Germans, with the promotion and aid of the government, might well succeed in a Germanization of the Austrian Slavs; these circles never even began to realize that Germanization can only be applied to soil and never to people. For what was generally understood under this word was only the forced outward acceptance of the German language. But it is a scarcely conceivable fallacy of thought to believe that a Negro or a Chinese, let us say, will turn into a German because he learns German and is willing to speak the German language in the future and perhaps even give his vote to a German political party. That any such Germanization is in reality a de-Germanization never became clear to our bourgeois national world. For if today, by forcing a universal language on them, obvious differences between different peoples are bridged over and finally effaced, this means the beginning of a destruction of the Germanic element. Only too frequently does it occur in history that conquering people's outward instruments of power succeed in forcing their language on oppressed peoples, but that after a thousand years their language is spoken by another people, and the victors thereby actually become the vanquished." -p.388-389

"How terrible is the damage indirectly done to our Germanism today by the fact that, due to the ignorance of many Americans, the German-jabbering Jews, when they set foot on American soil, are booked to our German account. Surely no one will call the purely external fact that most of this lice-ridden migration from the East speaks German a proof of their German origin and nationality." -p.390

"It was the Jew, Karl Marx, who was able to draw the extreme inference from those false conceptions and views concerning the nature and purpose of a state: by detaching the state concept from racial obligations without being able to arrive at any other equally acknowledged formulation, the bourgeois world even paved the way for a doctrine which denies the state as such.

Hitler saw the world as the world of the feudal elite against the international communist. This is the one failure of Adolf Hitler in he never bridged the gap that the feudal elite created communism to cheaply rule nations they desired to exploit. In this Hitler saw socialism as the vehicle to best rule populations. In this, he was proven correct as the 21st century world is built upon this Hitler ideology, it matters not if it is Peking, Moscow, Tehran, London, Paris or DC, all these nations are police state, all are protecting the ruling few, who are installed there by conglomerates who are then plugged into the national treasuries, just as Reich Berlin was fashioned by Hitler. The vicious cycle of slave or migrant labor is now institutionalized and this was the Nazi Reich, but Hitler did not invent the system of Rome as that is how Rome ruled the world for centuries.

Even in this field, therefore, the struggle of the bourgeois world against the Marxist international must fail completely. It long since sacrificed the foundations which would have been indispensably necessary for the support of its own ideological world. Their shrewd foe recognized the weaknesses of their own structure and is now storming it with the weapons which they themselves, even if involuntarily, provided." -p.391

"How boundlessly unideal and ignoble is this whole system! People no longer bother to breed the best for posterity, but let things slide along as best they can. If our churches also sin against the image of the Lord, whose importance they still so highly emphasize, it is entirely because of the line of their present activity which speaks always of the spirit and lets its bearer, the man, degenerate into a depraved proletarian. Afterwards, of course, they make foolish faces and are full of amazement at the small effect of the Christian faith in their own country, at the terrible 'godlessness,' at this physically botched and hence spiritually degenerate rabble, and try with the Church's Blessing, to make up for it by success with the Hottentots and Zulu Kaffirs. While our European peoples, thank the Lord, fall into a condition of physical and moral leprosy, the pious missionary wanders off to Central Africa and sets up Negro missions until there, too, our 'higher culture' turns healthy, though primitive and inferior, human beings into a rotten brood of bastards.

It would be more in keeping with the intention of the noblest man in this world if our two Christian churches, instead of annoying Negroes with missions which they neither desire nor understand, would kindly, but in all seriousness, teach our European humanity that where parents are not healthy it is a deed pleasing to God to take pity on a poor little healthy orphan child and give him father and mother, than themselves to give birth to a sick child who will only bring unhappiness and suffering on himself and the rest of the world." -p.403

In reality, Adolf Hitler was a political genius. He had ample experience in the end of Kaiser Germany which was one of the old guard, the financiers, the industrialists and the ruling families to understand the sown in Marxism which was fostered as much out of Great Game London as anywhere in Jewry, as the Jews were provided the tool of the manifesto, but that tool only existed because of the fault of monarchy and capitalism. 

Like America, if one desires to be told where to work, to have your leaders chosen, to be spied upon, to be hunted down if you do not fit the status quo and to have your ideology corrupted, then Nazi Germany was the kind of ordered life where you got up, worked, drank a beer, went home, saluted the power installed and kept your mouth shut, and when you were told to go to war, you did not question the state or you would be a subversive.

No one in power, wants people to know the mechanical workings of politics nor how to take control of them, so Adolf Hitler is branded a mad man and Mein Kampf is to be not even read. The work reflects the day of 1930 as much as it does the 21st century, because those in control of the mechanisms of power are using the same apparatus and devices to gain and keep power.

Martin Luther King was an internationalist. There is an old story out of Africa that Queen Victoria sent in her people to teach the Negro how to govern themselves. Around 1950 the communists appeared and told the Blacks, "You have elected power now, but you have to give it up. When you are a communist, you get the power and you keep the power". Once people learned that from every corner of the globe, those who had seized power to help the people, now had the guns and moved to keep the power by force, and that is the reason Africa is an exploited continent.

The Lame Cherry is certain that every person who controls the power in this world, not only read Mein Kampf, but studied it, as the workings explained in that book, are how the world works today.

For all of his political genius, Hitler never realized that he was just another pawn on the board of the people whose hand rocks the cradle. He had his purposes for them and served them well. As stated, the entire world is now ruled by the Hitler system. It is the most efficient exploitation device of humans and resources ever engineered. It built Rome and it built every empire.  It is the most simple of psychologies to rule the world.

Nuff Said
