Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Thee Amerikan 5th Column


The Fat Fag Regiment of the 5th Column

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry pointed out on the Yoichi Shimatsu evidence on the Ohio terror train, those chemicals came from a nuclear rod cleaning facility in Illinois. They were bound for an east coast port. They were probably headed to Ukraine. They were toxic chemicals, perhaps radioactively tainted, and that is why EPA went silent, experts were killed in a plane crash coming in, and the entire thing incinerated before people could figure out what took place, as Bidencon said nothing about this wreck and would not appear in Ohio..........which looks like this train was conducted from DC.

In that, this looks a great deal like someone derailed and set on fire this train. The list is short in this was either government operatives as in Hutatree or Jan6, Russian Speznat, Chinese PLA or the old stand by of Iran. As North Korea tied a can on Eric Holder's tail over the Boston Blow Job and Chechens were blamed in this sting against Pyongyang, even North Korea could have been employed to handle this operation.

The likely candidate are this cadre of woke traitors who have no problem gunning down little Ashli Babbitt in the US Capitol, or gunning down LaVoy Finnicum in the snow in Oregon (No one has ever been charged in the FBI for starting the shooting at those unarmed people.)

They like Barack Hussein Obama, relish the dictatorship of Peking. Then again there are those German lezbos who manage the HAARP weather terrorism against Americans. They do not want a wider nuclear war in Europe, so when a train load of toxic chemicals under London's direction is bound for Poland and Ukraine, it would just make sense to hasten the pulling down of the United States by turning Ohio into one big genocide cancer spot along with the East coastal plume of the burn.

Attempted Suicide or Murder?

In the meantime, America is rapidly disintegrating on the home front. Is it attempted suicide or murder? It’s a little hard to tell. Things are blowing up from sea to shining sea — food processing facilities, giant chicken barns, regional electric grids, oil refineries.

The latest, of course, is a chemical spill from the Norfolk-Southern train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio, set ablaze by a conclave of government officials purportedly to keep the toxic liquids from seeping into the Ohio River watershed and beyond.

Of course, in the dithering prior to lighting it up, enough vinyl chloride leached into streams feeding the big river to kill countless fish. And then torching the remaining chemical pools sent up a mushroom cloud of dioxin and other poisons that killed wildlife, pets, and chickens in the vicinity before the evil miasma wafted eastward on the wind to the densely-populated Atlantic coast.

One has to wonder whether an army of saboteurs is on the loose across the land. Considering the border with Mexico is wide open, why wouldn’t America’s adversaries send whole wrecking crews over here to mess with our infrastructure?


There’s no question that people from all over the planet have been sneaking across the Rio Grande. Surely some of them are on a mission. America is filled with “soft” targets, things unguarded and indefensible — not least, tens of thousands of miles of railroad track.

Of all the reasons to be unnerved by “Joe Biden’s” open border policy, this one is the least discussed, even in the alt-media. But it seems like a no-brainer for nefarious interests who might want to bamboozle and disable us.

I’m not claiming that’s what happened in Ohio. But it might give some bad ombres ideas. Think of what Vlad Putin could do in retaliation for US involvement in the Nord Stream 2 bombing.

There are a number of odd events, coming from industry in burning down their own food warehouses or oil refineries for profits under the direction of the Global Hedge. This Fauci Flu is another example of those above the law, coordinating with an enemy power, so if one is looking for culprits which the FBI field agents are not, or they will be fired for looking,  the reality is these look like the China made storms that deluged America in January from California east, were German HAARP control, Peking prostituted and some very wet nethers on Amerikans inside the system who like Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley get hard over the elimination of Americans.

So the projection in this off of ZeroHedge is that his was a 5th Column, like all of these acts are, from the Civil War onward, using American stooges who believe in Europe, and Europeans causing the problems, to set up their world order.

That is why no one is ever arrested, no one in the media says a word about anything, as this is police state controlled, just like those California fires that erupted under Eric Holder, and suddenly he wiped out some Mexican cartels and they stopped.......

Yes there is a real war going on in America, and America is caught between the foreign powers, the 5th column stooges and the police state.

Nuff Said

