Monday, February 20, 2023

Hěn gāoxìng qù


Do not worry about me round eyes, we are good to go.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The recent blimpy events by the Chinese PLA has produced more information than apparently the Pentagon or Regime was aware of, as these "balloons" not the other objects which were downed, have revealed that the PLA has been engaged in a first strike capability for thee American land based nuclear warheads, airborne nuclear warheads and the Pacific command's submarine fleet.

The essence of this was the Chinese deployment of lasers to measure ocean beds and air density over Hawaii's active volcanoes. The hypersonic warheads we hear about, require precise data for their re entry into the earth's atmosphere to target precisely. One would think that a nuke is a wide open field of you do not have to be that far off to cause damage, but what China is involved in, is precisely eliminating the forward positioning bases in Hawaii of America's submarine fleet.
Yes many subs are stationed in the mainland, but Hawaii becomes a focal point for warfare against China, saving thousands of miles off of sea travel, for rearming and refitting.

Some might contend, "Just blow up the mainland bases too". Yes Peking will do that too, but to control the Pacific, Hawaii must be neutralized. A projection in this is as valid in as Imperial Japan focused on the Philippines and Hawaii, that Peking could blockade Taiwan and send the real invasion force to Hawaii, by simply calling them tourists and having Cosco loads of munitions sitting on docks where Obama's sperm donor father worked.

Put it this way, a hypersonic warhead, based in neutron particles which would kill people, would leave the main base features intact, remove the population, and allow China to deploy from Hawaii as their base, actively cutting of Guam and Japan.

China was the source of these early HAARP storms hammering California and the mainland so there was Crazy Eddie coordination. China is benefiting from this weather warfare against Americans, and it will make it hell on American naval ships attempting to deploy operations. Expensive jets and ships, can not operate in hurricane force winds, and those winds will demolish US bases on the Pacific.

  • This [spy balloon's eight-day flight] path certainly suggests China is gathering intelligence for either a first or second strike on America's nukes.

  • Combined with the green lasers collecting atmospheric data useful for a strike by a hypersonic glide vehicle on Hawaii, American defense planners should be alarmed.

  • The real story is that the Pentagon was caught off-guard by the recent intrusions. Only after the Chinese spy balloon penetrated U.S. airspace did the Pentagon go back over previously collected radar data and realize that there had been intrusions in previous years.

  • Deterrence is being eroded as China's Communist Party is fast mobilizing all society for war.

  • [T]he laser shower is another warning that war is on the way.

China would not be engaged as it is, if it did not have Wall Street J Street support. It would not be engaged as it is, if it did not have intelligence, political and security breaches working to it's advantage. It would not be engaged if China did not have millions of 5th column sleepers deployed in the United States.

China is, Hěn gāoxìng qù, or Good To Go.

Nuff Said.
