Thursday, February 23, 2023

Can't have a Witch Hunt without a Witch


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like most of you, I had not idea that Georgia was trying to indict Donald Trump and did not care. It was though when this Obama all religions are equal jury skirt person started parading around on liberal media that one has to wonder why the Mockingbird is helping to throw out and indictments Georgia will produce based on this woman, Emily Khors who is reported now to be a witch, complete with magic spells and she has a major crush on Donald Trump has her fantasy was to swear in Donald Trump for his testimony in Georgia.

There is not anyone who has seen this woman that is not questioning just how she got to be the foreperson, without casting a spell. She is just odd acting, if she of course was not a witch.

Apparently though CNN did not like  the looks of her, as she looks like a cracker from Georgia really, a cracker witch which is honestly more intimidating if you watch Burt Reynolds in that homo butt rape movie he was in about hill country back people.

CNN though cleaned up the witch and put a billion dollar make up squad on her, and I tell you she could pose in Playboy as the Hot Witch now. 

She though apparently has only one dress as she wears that one dress all the time, which is fine, as Playboy would want her witch naked as I think that is what I read one time in witches do things naked, like most people do showers.

According to witch Emily she is handing down like 500 indictments, everyone that Adam Schiff wants to do a cavity search on really. The problem is, this witch has tainted the jury pool, has tainted the indictments by chanting about them and this is all going to be thrown out..........if it is not a Merrick Garland court.

This simply has to be some WWE set up theater. Trump talks about a witch hunt, so who do Godless liberals in Georgia pick.......a witch to go after Trump. There is not any way that CNN did not research this woman and know all of this was going to come out.

I think Trump has found his Vice President. Woman looks perfect for the job. Leave the make up off and she will terrify people like Putin and Xi and put make up on her and Putin and Xi will fall in love with her. Works both ways and that is how you always want things to go.

This just gets better and better for the end times.
