Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Classy Public Shitter Pics

I shit, herefore I am.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I don't know what the shit is up with Canada, and I really do not care in some feud between a stringy haired blonde "celebrity" (saying Canada has celebrities is like saying Ottawa has leaders or villages without a crapper in Kenya are a world trend.

You can see this thing above and how she thinks just because unwashed lezbo's rallying behind her on their sticky phones is a fan base that supports your posting photos about your big camel twat and fat ass".

Unfortunately all we get to see is her face which is as unattractive as Canadian public toilets caught in a 1950's time warp in having watched too much Dobbie Gillis beatnick. I can see what Justin Trudeau is fucking nuts. He crawls around in toilets like this and that would of course harbor some brain infection that would create a no mind like him.

Here is the thing in this, a normal thing, that people with character and etiquette understand. No one but trash takes selfies of themselves to post online in a public shitter. I mean what is the process in this? "Oh I just dumped a deuce, am wiping my ass and I think, "Eh this would be a great time to take a selfie. So I will rinse off my hands and check the tampon, and I see myself so yum yum in the mirror that I just have to post how hot I am."

There was something about RED in this story being hot. Sure it is, but all I see is American bluejeans in another American hijacked culture never paid for by something that looks like it lives in the back of the fridge with the too white cheese.

This thing is not a fashion statement. She is a fashion cringe along with her whopper Canadian come back of "I own my body".

No sweetie you do not own your body. Your reproduction is a state thing for profit that you sold along with your children. You don't even have a country as Trudeau sold it to China and Muslims. You are going to be erased and it is only too bad that Ottawa is lagging with that vax holocaust as we all could have been spare another dimwit blonde thinking she is something and that her word bullying is really tough stuff.

Taking selfies in a public shitter is about the lowest of a host of low class things to engage in. They either stink like shit or  they stink like disinfectant. Normal people don't go in them, and normal people do not linger in them.

I actually looked for more photos in thinking  that this can not be that bad. It is worse. There are more of them in Canadian diversity of White Priv and some curry girl who they apparently taught to read as as token of diversity.

From the rainbow guy to these other grinners, I only hope the disease this crapper poser does not infect them, so we get more shitter stories about how hot they are.

I think this is who is responsible for this klusterfuck kanada in Dick Gray. He got the job because Mike Melling got into it with a skirt named Lisa not making  these names up. Melling replaced a dumping looking skirt named Wendy Freeman who probably envisioned the eye sore above.
Flaming Lisa though was fired for Omar the Arab to present the news.

All of these people look like they spend hours in the produce section contemplating if they should buy a banana or a carrot due to their carbon ass print in their public shitters.

The Lame Cherry promotes a solution for Canadians. The answer is constipation. If you can't shit, you don't use ass wipe. If you aren't shitting, you are not stinking up the crappers, so toxic chems are not needed for cleaning and the shitter smells like a stale Canadian basement, so more Canadians can take selfies of how LaFlamme they are.

What the hell is up with Canada in all this White Priv fucking things up in media? I know Trudeau imported slant eyes, sand nigs and other vermin, so why is it only Whiteness on display like a Ku Klux Klan sheet meeting. Might as well call CTV, Storm Front and be done with it.

I once knew a  Canadian she bitch.......forget her name. She wore men's boots, men's pants and told me she liked to mix it up in debate. No she liked bullying people and somehow got preg when she raped some Trudeau ejaculator and I pointed out a few realities of life, she suddenly did not want to debate, but just post hate shit as she thought that was "fun".

Same shit for brains that posts pictures of twat toe, big asses from public shitters and the last word in his is, "I'm hot because I have twat toe, a big ass and like a gutter whore, I don't mind doing my business where people piss it up".

I sincerely hope when Putin nukes America that about 500 missiles fall short from the South and North Pole each, as in glassy sea Canada and Mexico, so I do not have these weather girls sticking in the camera as they never were ready for a close up.

Just go do your fucking job, and getting the weather wrong as seeing any of you more than once a day is too much.

Oct 17, 2015 ... Provided to YouTube by CDBabyPoop Stuck in My Butt (Best Constipation Song Ever) · The Toilet Bowl CleanersThe White Album (With Brown and ...

Nuff Said
