Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Chicken Plague of Phnom Pehn

Whatever you do, don't eat the chicken.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I loved watching old footage from the Vietnam War. Marvin Kalb, Phnom Penh was my favorite as no one wanted to hear about Laos or that little dwarf bastard down on the Mekong Delta.

The Lame Cherry after an 8 mile winter trek just returned home, lower extremities burning, but learning what a tough little bitch I is, as Trek II was not as bad as Trek I, even if we had to trek on faster as the wind was switching and I did not want to face that.........fuck head HAARP assholes got the wind change wrong. Appeared and hour earlier than they said, so we got hit in the crosswind in the last mile.

I read with interest, due to Jim and his wife, the story of Bird Flu in Cambodia. The Lame Cherry of course struggling with life, is always putting out the extra effort to explain things in bad situations, as you are too dense to figure any of this out.

The story is this that Bird Flu is appearing in Cambodia, well the entire region.

Read the quote.

Public health expert Dr Quach Mengly said the disease has symptoms similar to a cold, cough, and fever and is highly life-threatening without treatment.

To prevent the infection, please avoid touching and eating sick and dead animals,” he said. “Bury the dead animals properly, and wash your hands properly after that.

This is NOT like the Fauci flu where it was spread by deliberate contamination into the West. If you read this, what the situation is, is poor Cambodians and that entire region of Indochina is poor as the few possess the money, is you have villagers with there jungle game cocks.  Some like in the Philippines breed them as fighting games and they enjoy that immensely.

Here is a Jungle Game Cock.

So the deal is, these poor villagers have not allot like me, and they are not Christians with a God threatening their asses to not eat things that die on their own. Something dies, they butcher it and eat it. In Vietnam, they make "chop chop" good soup in just throwing the whole chicken in, feathers and all.

Thee American Indians, used to roast little birds whole and they at the shit entrails like Norwegians eat sardine shit, so don't act like this does not go on. What the hell do you think is in canned soup that you are chowing down on.

So a bird dies of bird flu. No on is going to throw that food away, so they butcher it, there are not latex gloves, so they get blood into cuts, and things probably are not cooked that good, and next thing you know, the chicken which is sleeping with you and shitting in your morning eggs as shit does come on the shell, has you enjoying a cross species flu. It kills some, but this is common in Asia, and in all cases, save Swine Flu, it does not go human to human.

So this is nothing to worry about. Bird Flu is bullshit. They just used it in America to drive up food prices. They blamed the Snow and Blue Geese and the rest is you spending more money for eggs and chicken breasts.

What is what we do not know, is the reality of this shit showing up in like Colorado where it was not coming from birds, but probably a deliberate test infection case. So what is going on in Cambodia is not a concern, because no one should be eating any animals that die on their own. If you do, chances are you are going to get a disease from the animals. Now Road Kill is fine as long as you do not let it get ripe. Probably get the shits from that, but you never want to be touching or eating dead things on their own.

Bill Gates gets a hard on over Brazilian babies dying in mass from the next lab pandemic. I don't know. I just know what is going on in Cambodia is harmless, unless you are eating shit you are not suppose to be eating.

Nuff Said
