Monday, February 20, 2023

The Atmospher Killer HAARP

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am typing this on Friday, January 13th, and the above is the photo of what the Brier Patch looks like most days. I told you we had gotten some snow. This is the manifestation of HAARP.

This morning we had wind, about 15 mph out of the south. Most of the time it is HAARP northwest winds. The reality is, you should not have fog if there is wind. Yet we have this frost fog, that even if it is clear at night will billow in as soon as the sun appears.

I was studying that Hi pressure dome the Weather Mods created by the West Coast and the trough over Illinois at the end of January, and I came to one conclusion. We get coughs and headaches with this "fog" as it is loaded with metals and chems. There is something else in this which is a Lame Cherry exclusive.

Those massive storms or hurricanes which hit California, then the rest of the United States were coming out of China. These are the same Lo pressures which generated out of Africa for hurricanes out of the Atlantic.

There is not any way that China is not aware of this, so China is coordinating with the Weather Mods in the Jew Street funding of this attack on America.

Now here is the thing. None of this is white fog. You can see in the above that it is a sickly grey, dead corpse looking colour. What is happening here is, HAARP has killed the atmosphere obviously. We know this as the weather models are all wrong. They no longer get the snow totals right, where it will fall, temperatures are wrong, and of course, they have no idea if the sun will shine or not.

What is behind all of this is the Chinese industrial pollution. It is amplifying what HAARP is manufacturing in chemtrails. The net result is this toxic atmosphere which is a corpse colour. I honestly do not know the last time we had a sunny day. We have had nothing but shit weather like this since Thanksgiving. The last 3 weeks have been especially dreary.
What is of effect in this, is the atmosphere is naturally warm and what HAARP does is, it keeps blowing a Canadian cold wind over this, so you get a sort of steam, which is this pollution fog. The ice does not melt until almost 50 degrees now as this heavy metal reflects heat for some reason. The net result is this hoar frost on everything which is no longer pretty. The times the sun has come out for a few minutes......the frost is pink on the trees.......that means dirty atmosphere and as it is not dust, that means Chinese pollution.

I am hoping by the time this publishes that the drought cycle in warming has pushed this away, as heat will indeed end all of this, but I have my doubts about the atmosphere recovering as it is dead. The Weather Mods have dumped an incredible amount of chems in the Pacific to generate these series of super storms. That with Chinese pollution is causing this shroud effect.

I have noticed that when the sky will clear, our coughs disappear, but if it starts to get a bit warmer, the coughs come back on clear days as this pollution is being released again in vapours.

Is just a real post from a real person, and not more Hedger headlines about what things are. I know since I started posting on this stuff, that the posts on sites covering this are now reflecting what the Lame Cherry has been posting. They are wrong in most cases in their predictions, but they are being the tourists they are.

Oh this fog ice is really slippery. Is like oil on top of ice. Hard to drive on.

Nuff Said
