Monday, February 20, 2023

Ice Walls of Silence


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting historical video from an American expedition to the South Pole in 1912 AD in the year of our Lord. It is so interesting in there has been an ice wall of silence about what is down there.

I am not someone who will be deceived by star children and space seed. The Bible provides enough historical information in that there was a time when the one continent was divided in those days.

I know there are plants in Antarctica which are quite tropical in the fossil records. If one looks at the hard facts, the reality is, that a most interesting civilization survived when that split of chunk of land mass ended up in the worst place on earth.

I study the artifacts of this and the clothing is of a people much like the Russians were in heavy skins and bulk to protect from the cold. Mind you, people were not freezing to death. They had to be eating in this period, because they recorded in sculptures people who were dressed warmly, and one can find a carved penguin. yes live did exist there and so did some complex architecture which is as accomplished as Egypt or Rome.

I know that the Wooly Mammoth actually was alive in a smaller form in the Bering Sea just several hundred years ago. So things we thought ancient, are not thousands of year ago, but hundreds.

I doubt these people froze to death. They like most people would have found a way, even as Eskimos to create some kind of skin boats and moved to either Australasia or South America. Perhaps this is where the Polynesian group appeared from was from this Antarctic group.

No one really knows what was or is still taking place down there. There is the diary of the trusted American Admiral, Byrd who said the US Navy got the stuffing blasted out of it, by some kind of UFO fleet down there, perhaps German demonic invention but things have been going on down there for sometime and no one has told the world what was going on.

It is difficult to ignore works in stone though and then the question of why this was covered up.......and why these people's faces seem not to exist.

Nuff Said
