As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The following photos were billed as Biblical signs in the sky. They are not, but are of interest in they are appearing in Russia as much as the United States. What this is, is the work of high energy waves in the upper atmosphere, or HAARP. This is weather warfare.
When you see colours like red, that means dirt is in the upper atmosphere. The world is in a drought cycle and that is what happens. It probably does not help in the constant atmospheric rape that takes place for these super weather bombs that keep going off weekly.
Here is a photo from the brier in what HAARP tornado clouds look like. This HAARP super storm winter that let Putin conquer Ukraine as Eddie Haskell of the Weather Mods thought he was smarter than the lords and priests had us having snow kind of come out of a ground fog, then freezing rain out of 20 degree days out of fog. The upper atmosphere is so warm due to this natural drought cycle that it is like an AC unit blowing over an ice cube for the effects.
In the storms by the Brier, I have noted with TL some things that give you pause. It does not matter if it is a storm or just popcorn showers, we have been outside and been hit by blasts of hot air, like 100 degree heat as there are down drafts up drafts and things churning in this HAARP which the above photos reveal.
In looking at the above tornado clouds, I see that the trees do not have leaves. That kind of heating should not be taking place in temperatures when the trees are not leafed out or in the fall when the leaves have fallen.
So this is more Biblical signs of the apostasy of mankind. They are attempting to touch the things of God, and His Nature, and they are delighted to be involved in destruction, as this is not a nuance or an artwork, but more like running over a cat with a truck. It is a mess and the only way they can achieve any sort of imprint on the weather is to rape it with excessive force.
Nuff Said